I Want to Hear You Sing (Freed x Lucy)

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This was requested on Wattpad by Charamocha.

I decide to make this into another songfic. The song that I'm using is "The Science Love Song" by Asapscience on YouTube. This song lives rent-free in my head and I am going to inflict it upon you as a result.

These lyrics are the original ones except for just one line.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy sighed as she walked into her new apartment, closing the door softly so as not to bother her boyfriend. She hoped that he was home, having just gotten back from a tiring job, and wanted to do nothing but cuddle with her boyfriend. After kicking off her shoes at the door, she began making her way to the bedroom.

She and Freed had been together for two years and had been living together for six months. During these two years, Lucy had been the happiest she had ever been. She remembered fondly when she fell in love with the rune mage of the Thunder Legion. It was at a ball that Queen Hisui was holding and had invited several guilds to. Lucy had been standing alone as the rest of her friends were off either by themselves as well, talking to friends, spending time with their significant others, or causing low-scale chaos.

She was leaning against a column, watching the dancing guests, when she heard a man clear his throat next to her. She turned to see a well-dressed Freed holding out his hand toward her, silently asking for a dance. Before she knew it, she and her guildmate ended up spending the entire night talking and dancing. By the end of the night, she had a fluttering feeling in her gut, her cheeks were hot, and her heart was racing.

Her feelings for Freed continued to be unrequited for about a year, and her regular meet-ups with him didn't help things, until the day that Freed dared to kiss her when he walked her to her front door after a full day of talks about literature.

They had kept their relationship a secret for a few months, both wanting to first get used to being together. When they did announce their relationship to their guild, the couple was met with both surprise and joy. Mira had practically fainted as her mind was flooded with imaginings of what Lucy and Freed's children would look like. Natsu, Gray, and Erza threatened Freed with burning, freezing, and a beating should he hurt Lucy in any way, and Lucy was welcomed by Laxus, Evergreen, and Bixlow.

Now that they were two years into their relationship, Lucy and Freed were happier than they had been before. Lucy smiled to herself, lost in her thoughts and memories. She was only a few steps past the kitchen doorway when she heard humming from inside the kitchen. Snapping back to reality, the blonde stopped walking and turned around, the humming floating out of the kitchen and to her ears.

Was that Freed? She didn't know that Freed hummed. She supposed that there were still some things that she had yet to learn about her boyfriend. Not that she minded, of course. Ever since day one, she had loved learning new things about him.

She tip-toed back to the open doorway of the kitchen and leaned against the frame, watching as the rune mage whom she loved hummed to himself as he stood at the stove and cooked something. She didn't mind listening to him, nor did she mind the sight that was before her. Her boyfriend was shirtless, dressed in nothing but a pair of black pants. His green hair was also pulled into a ponytail.

Lucy closed her eyes and listened, only to open them again and stare at her boyfriend wide-eyed when he began to sing:

I'll be the spark if you'll be the flame
Start a reaction that can't be contained
Balancing your pH by sharing my base
I'll be your star if you'll be my space
'Cause there is no distance that I wouldn't go
To space, time, and wormholes, my matter would flow
To the edge of the universe
I'll be your G if you will be C
Or I can be A if you will be T
If there's a mutation I'll fix every base
Work as your zinc finger nuclease

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