The Red Bitch is Back (Laxus x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by apolline_fairy.

I'm sure all of you AFAB readers can guess what this will be about.


I hope you enjoy!


Laxus walked along the canal that ran through Magnolia, making his way to the home of his girlfriend. Giving a tired sigh, he stuffed his hands into his pockets. He had gotten back from a long job with the Thunder Legion, only to get a mountain of paperwork to get thrown at him by his grandfather under the guise of preparing him for when he would take over the role of Guild Master once Makarov decided to retire. This, of course, was only partially true. The other part of the truth was so he could do something else that wasn't read complaint after complaint that was submitted by the Magic Council, among other such documents that had to be looked over and filled out.

The Lightning Dragon Slayer was locked in his grandfather's office for an entire day. Now, he was finally free. Free to visit his beautiful girlfriend. It had been three months since they were last in each other's company, and he missed her greatly. He was eager to fall asleep in Lucy's bed, the smaller blonde secure in his arms.

After several minutes of walking, he finally came to the familiar, pink building. He knocked on the door and waited for his girlfriend to answer. A few minutes passed with no answer. Laxus looked at the wooden door with a confused expression. Lucy had to be at home. She wasn't at the guild and anybody she would be out with was there. Where else could she be? Maybe she was taking a bath or was asleep. She could also be working on her novel. It wasn't uncommon for her to be oblivious to her surroundings whenever she was writing.

Deciding that it wouldn't hurt to enter the apartment and see if she was inside, the dragon slayer reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, a duplicate of Lucy's house key. He inserted the blade of the key into the keyhole and turned it, opening the door after he heard a click. He then stepped into the building, passing through the runes that Freed had previously set up, making it so that the only people who could enter without Lucy's permission were Makarov and Laxus.

The blonde man made his way into the main room, opening the door to find his girlfriend in bed, her back facing him. A smile made its way onto his face as he walked over, disposing of his coat by tossing it onto the couch. He leaned over the form of his girlfriend, expecting to see her peacefully sleeping. However, instead of one of his favorite sights, he found that Lucy was in a fetal position underneath her covers, her face twisted in what resembled pain.

The smile that had graced Laxus' face fell into a worried frown as he sat on the edge of the bed and gently shook Lucy, asking, "Blondie, are you okay?"

After several moments of no response, Lucy finally rolled over to look up at her boyfriend. Upon seeing the look of pain that remained on her face and the tears that pricked the corners of her eyes, threatening to fall, Laxus cupped her face with one hand and leaned closer to her, questioning as he tried to keep himself calm, "are you hurt? What happened, Lucy?"

The celestial wizard rolled back over to continue laying on her side, resuming a fetal position. What happened? Why was Lucy like this? Did something happen? Did someone hurt her? Worry and anger overwhelmed Laxus as he continued to inquire, this time not bothering to hide his concern, "Lucy, what happened? Please, tell me."

Finally, his girlfriend gave an answer. With a groan and some free tears, she muttered, "the red bitch is back."

If Laxus wasn't a dragon slayer, then he would have not been able to hear her. By now, he knew what she meant by that line. Calming down with the knowledge that nobody had harmed her, he asked, "do you want anything? Medicine? Chocolate? Food? Water? Cuddles?"

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