Falling in Love with an Old Enemy Part 2 (Minerva x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by butterflyzilla.

So, this is how Sabortooth reacted to Lucy and Minerva being together.

Also, Happy New Year's Eve! I hope you all have a great year!


"So, Blondie, you've been hanging around here a lot recently."

Lucy looked over at Sting, who was sitting right next to her, a smirk on his face. The celestial wizard raised an eyebrow as she countered, "I have friends here."

Sting chuckled, "yeah, but you're here just as much as you're at Fairy Tail."

Lucy sat her strawberry milkshake down and turned her body a bit to slightly face him. She stared at him with a hint of confusion, questioning, "how do you know that?" She knew that her time at Sabertooth matched her time at Fairy Tail, but she didn't know Sting knew this.

The Guild Master jabbed a thumb in the direction of the communication lacrima that sat on the bar, leaning against the table that he and Lucy were sitting at, "Mira let me know a few days ago."

Lucy groaned. She should have known that Mira was going to throw some fuel into the fire this is the possibility of her having a lover in Sabertooth. She looked back at Sting and asked, "so, what do you want from me?"

Sting's smirk grew and he inquired simply, "who is it?"

Lucy turned her head away and crossed her arms over her chest, refusing to give him any bones to take to Mira. She was already being questioned by her close friend every time she stepped foot in Fairy Tail. She didn't need to have Sting hounding her for answers or passing on anything incriminating that she might say to the Matchmaking Demon.

She felt a poke on her shoulder, but she didn't look at him, instead, she continued to keep her head turned away from him with her eyes closed and her arms crossed over her chest. As Sting continued to poke her shoulder and repeat her name, she ignored him, albeit making her more irritated and steadily pushing her closer to kicking him across his own guildhall, his status as a Guild Master be damned.

Miraculously, Sting was saved when a man's voice spoke, "Sting, leave her alone before she beats you up."

The two blondes looked up to see Rogue, Yukino, and Minerva. The three mages sat down, Minerva sitting right across from Lucy. Sting responded indignantly, "I'm just trying to get her to admit who's the reason that she's here all the time."

Rogue rolled his eyes, sighing, "and that is your business how? Leave her alone."

"And if I don't?"

"Then not only am I going to let her beat you up, but I'm also going to cheer her on."

Sting huffed as Yukino laughed, "I would pay to see that!" Once she had stopped laughing, she looked over at Lucy and questioned, "although, I'm curious too. Are you here so much to visit a certain someone?"

Lucy felt her cheeks heat up and she looked away from Yukino, accidentally catching Minerva's gaze. The black-haired woman was smirking at her, clearly amused. Lucy gave her a slight glare. Of course her girlfriend was enjoying this.

Yes, you heard that right. Lucy and Minerva were dating. They had been together for some time now, nearly six months. Lucy having friends in Sabertooth was a secondary reason for her visiting almost constantly. The primary reason? Minerva.

They had been talking recently about when they should tell their guilds. Lucy was eager to announce to her own guild that she was in a relationship, but Minerva didn't share her feelings, being too fearful that Fairy Tail wouldn't accept them. Not because they are both women, but because of Minerva's past misdeeds.

Lucy Ships OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang