Here Comes the Brides (Juvia x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by TheGreatWave47.

Can you believe that I haven't written a marriage oneshot yet? I'm surprised too.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy drummed her fingers on the surface of the bar. Her knee bounced up and down rapidly. Her eyes bore into the dark wood of the bar. Her mind was in a jumble, not a single thought still enough for her to mull over it.

"If you keep chewing on your lip, you're going to bite it off."

Lucy snapped her head up to see Mira smiling down at her, a strawberry milkshake in her hand. She sat the cold drink down in front of the blonde and asked, "are you alright, Lucy?" Worry tinged her voice.

Lucy looked back down at the bar. She wondered if she should tell the barmaid what she was planning. She wasn't sure if Mira would be able to keep herself from making a big deal about her plans and might try to convince her to do something more elaborate. Lucy sighed. She concluded that Mira wouldn't let go of it since she can tell that her close friend was bothered by something.

Lucy reached into the small purse that was sitting on her lap. Her hand stilled inside the purse as she looked around to make sure that nobody, especially Juvia, was close enough to hear what was going on at the bar. Once she was sure they were in the clear, Lucy pulled out her hand and sat something on the bar. She pulled her hand away to reveal a small, black, velvet-covered box. Her dark brown eyes remained on the bar as she waited for Mira to inspect the small box.

A gasp told her that Mira's curiosity and worry were relieved and were starting to give way to excitement and happiness. She dared to look up at the white-haired woman and found that she was grinning down at her, her blue eyes sparkling with unbridled joy and the now-closed, black box clutched in her hands.

"Lucy, are you gonna do what I think you're gonna do?" Mira's voice was barely above a whisper as she leaned closer until their faces were inches apart.

Lucy placed a hand on Mira's chest and gently pushed her back, answering, "well...that's the plan." She sighed and looked down at the bar again. "I'm not sure if I can, though."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know. Nerves, I guess."

"Lucy, do you think she'll say no?"

"It's not if she'll say no that's making me nervous. It's how I'll ask her."

"What do you mean?"

Lucy sighed once more. "I'm scared that I'll mess up in some way, or that she won't like the proposal because it's not done the way she's always dreamed."

Mira pushed the box back to her. Lucy grabbed it and put it back in her small purse. Mira then asked, "has she told you how she wants to be proposed to?"

"She's always just said that she doesn't care how it's done."

"Then why worry yourself so much?" Mira took Lucy's hands into her hands, causing the blonde to look up at her. Mira then continued, "you're overthinking this. Juvia will say yes. All you have to do is ask her and show her the ring. It's really that simple. You can do it, I know you can." She finished with an encouraging smile.

Lucy released a breath and smiled back at her friend. "Thanks, Mira." Nervousness was still swirling in her gut, but it had lessened considerably, making the feeling a lot more bearable.

Mira's eyes then shifted toward the guildhall's doors before she released Lucy's hands, gave her shoulder an encouraging squeeze, and walked away. Lucy, knowing what that meant, straightened her back, took and deep breath, and released it. She turned around and smiled at her girlfriend, greeting her, "hey, Juvia."

Juvia smiled back at her, exclaiming, "Lucy!" She then bounded over. She wrapped her arms around Lucy's neck and gave her a kiss before she sat on the stool next to her.

Lucy turned to face her girlfriend and, after taking another deep breath to steel her nerves, she spoke, "Juvia, I have something to ask you."

Juvia nodded silently and wait for her to go on. Lucy reached into her purse and wrapped her fingers around the velvety box inside of it. She let Mira's words repeat in her head before she looked into her girlfriend's eyes and began, "Juvia, the five years that we have been together had been the happiest of my life. We have been through a lot together. High, lows, good days, and bad days. But, there has been one constant: we remained by each other's side and stuck through everything that life threw at us. I am beyond thankful to have you in my life. So..."

She pulled out the small box and watched as Juvia clamped her hands over her mouth and tears pricked the corners of her eyes at the sight of the box. Lucy continued, "Juvia Lockser...will you marry me?"

She popped open the box, revealing a golden band that held a blue gem. She smiled at her girlfriend as she waited for her answer, hoping that her nervousness wasn't as obvious as she felt it was.

Juvia dropped her hands and gave a tearful chuckle as she nodded, a grin splitting across her face and tears already rolling down her cheeks. "Yes." The answer was whispered, but Lucy could hear it as clearly as she could see how much Happy loved fish.

Lucy took out the ring and tossed the box onto the bar. She then slipped it onto Juvia's left ring finger. The couple shared a loving kiss, both now crying tears of happiness. The guild erupted in clapping and cheers as the two mages pulled away and looked at their guildmates, previously unaware that they were all watching closely.

The guild quickly delved into a celebration and several mages approached them to offer their congratulations. All the while, the nervousness that had long settled itself in her gut disappeared so quickly that she didn't notice. Now, they just had to plan the wedding.

A year after the proposal, Lucy and Juvia stood right outside of the guildhall, the doors closed. Mira, Levy, Lisanna, Erza, and Evergreen were fluttering around them as they ensured that their white dressed and veils were secured and neat. In Lucy's hands was a bouquet of Lily Stargazers while Juvia held a bouquet of purple roses. The two brides smiled at each other, both silently urging the other to not be overcome with nerves and that everything will go well.

Once the ceremony was ready to start, the music began. Asuka walked down the aisle first, scattering multicolored petals as she went. Happy flew right beside her, a small basket that held the rings on a small pillow held tightly in his paws. Lisanna and Natsu followed, making their way to the front of the guild. Next, was Gray and Levy. Then were Erza and Laxus. After them was Elfman and Evergreen. Finally, after a wait that felt far too long, Lucy and Juvia each allowed Makarov to take one of their hands into his and the Guild Master escorted the two brides to the alter. Gajeel was waiting at the alter, looking hilariously uncomfortable in the stuffy suit that Panther Lily and Levy had somehow stuffed him into.

The ceremony began as Lucy and Juvia gazed adoringly into each other's eyes, blissful smiles on their faces. It was the best day of either of their lives, there was no doubt about that.


I loved writing this oneshot. I love angst, but fluff is just as great.

My update schedule:
February 12th: Cuddles and Protective Teammates Part 2 (Cana x Lucy)
February 14th: I will Live for a Million Years (Loke x Lucy ft. Aquarius)
February 16th: Laxus and Lucy from the Future (Laxus x Lucy)
February 19th: I'm Not Leaving You (Gray x Lucy)
February 22nd: The Red Bitch is Back Part 2 (Laxus x Lucy)
February 26th: You're as Intimidating as a Butterfly (Meredy x Lucy)

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