I'm Not Leaving You (Gray x Lucy)

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This was requested on Tumblr by ohmygodwhyamilikethis01kb.

We are getting closer to the end of this collection of oneshots. I hope that you've enjoyed it so far and I greatly appreciate your time and kind comments. Also, it's been some time since I watched the show, so forgive any mistakes that I make.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy sat on her bed, staring down at the note in her hands. Her cheeks were wet with tears that had stopped falling long ago, probably because her tear ducts were dry from the hours she's spent crying.

Her eyes roamed over the words that were etched onto the paper. It was Natsu's familiar writing. Informing her that he was leaving to train. This, coupled with the recent disbanding of Fairy Tail, left her feeling empty and alone.

Her best friend left her, leaving only a note behind. He didn't even bother to tell her in person that he wanted to go train. Why? Did he think that she would try to stop him? She knew how getting stronger was important to him. She would have encouraged him to train, if that was what he really wanted to do. Did he think that she would try to go with him? She supposed that that was a worry he would have, but she still didn't know why he wouldn't tell her himself. If that was his worry and reason to leave with only a note, then they could have talked about it.

She had been down upon finding the note and her best friend's disappearance, but when Fairy Tail disbanded, no explanation given to the shocked and upset mages, her mood worsened. She shut herself in her apartment, deciding to not leave until she managed to make herself feel better. However, no matter what she told herself, she couldn't bring herself to do much. She hasn't even showered in a few days.

The only person she would talk to was Loke, who would regularly summon himself to try and convince her to leave her apartment and get some fresh air. She had no desire to. What was the point? All of her friends were gone, having gone their different ways.

Well...almost all of her friends. There was one who refused to leave her behind in Magnolia.

Since the disbandment of Fairy Tail a few weeks ago, Gray would come by every day and knock on her door, trying to convince her to open the door and talk to him. She never answered, unable to make her open the door and face him, no matter how much her mind urged her to.

Gray had made it a habit of dropping off groceries and rent money at Lucy's front door before he would sit against the door and talk to her, telling her about his day and what things he was recently doing, occasionally asking her to open in the door so that they could talk face-to-face.

Lucy didn't like this, accepting the unasked-for help that he was giving her. She hated not being able to take care of herself and having to rely on others, but she couldn't bring herself to do anything.

She was brought out of her thoughts when a knock sounded at the door. Gray's voice followed not long after, "Lucy, I'm back." There was a short pause. "Could you please open the door?"

Lucy felt a fluttering feeling in her gut at the sound of his voice. That had been happening quite a bit lately, before Fairy Tail's disbandment. Her mind urged her to open the door for him and let him in. She wanted to see him and feel his comfortingly cold hugs. She wanted to tell him why she was like this. She didn't want to be alone, having long ago become sick of it.

She looked up at the door, listening as Gray started telling her about some insufferable woman he had encountered on his way here. Her door was unlocked. If she could just tell him to come in, then that should be enough for him. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. How long had it been since she lasted spoke? Must have been a while if she wasn't able to speak on her first attempt.

She swallowed before waiting for Gray to stop talking momentarily. Once he did, she opened her mouth again and called to him, her voice slightly hoarse from disuse, "come in, Gray."

There was a pause before the door slowly opened. Lucy watched as Gray stepped into the apartment. He smiled at her and closed the door behind him and walked over to her with slow steps, his hands in his pockets and shirt nowhere to be seen. As he walked, Gray spoke with a soft tone, "hey, Lucy. How have you been?"

Lucy couldn't answer. She just looked back down at the note. She listened as Gray kneeled on the floor in front of her and gaze up at her with gentle eyes and a kind smile. "I'm here if you want to talk or anything."

Lucy looked at him. Seeing the kind look on his face and the sincerity in his soft voice, Lucy felt her eyes burn with fresh tears. A choked sob escaped her and she dropped to the floor, wrapping her arms around Gray. She cried into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly against him. He gently threaded his fingers through her hair and cooed comforting words to her, reassuring her that he was there and wasn't going to leave.

Once Lucy's tears stopped falling and she regained control of her breathing. She sniffled and rested her cheek against Gray's chest, listening to his heartbeat. The sound brought her comfort, assuring her that he was there, really there. She tightened her hold around him and whispered, "please, don't leave me too."

Gray continued to hold her and run his fingers through her hair. He eventually muttered to her, "I'm not leaving you. I'm never going to leave you, Lucy." There were a few heartbeats of silence before he added, "I love you, Lucy." He then pressed a kiss to the top of her head.

Lucy nuzzled against his chest, answering with a whisper, "I love you too, Gray."


I hope that this didn't turn out too badly. I have been feeling pretty drained recently, so writing is getting a little difficult. Anyways, I hope this oneshot was acceptable.

My update schedule:
February 22nd: The Red Bitch is Back Part 2 (Laxus x Lucy)
February 26th: You're as Intimidating as a Butterfly (Meredy x Lucy)

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