Jellal and Lucy?! (Jellal x Lucy ft. Team Natsu)

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This was requested on Wattpad by Bellaboo097023.

It is flipping hot and the air conditioner broke, so I'm writing this in the dark while I'm practically sweating. Fuck summer. I'm over this. I'm also learning how to write and send a letter because my partner is at basic training. That's pretty fun.

Everyone, I'm sure that you're also dealing with terrible heat, at least to some degree. Please, take care of yourselves. Drink plenty of water, stay as cool as you can, and keep an eye on any friends and families that may be negatively affected by the heat. Stay safe! I love all of you!

Also, a quick heads up, I am looking toward graduating high school in December (a whole semester early) by taking two college classes, and I am aiming for an internship with a college history teacher. If I don't get an internship, then I will be getting a job. This is so I'll have an extra A that'll boost my GPA. Because of this, updates on my works will probably slow down a bit, depending on the hours that I'll be spending doing either schoolwork, internship work, or just normal work. I do not have any plans of abandoning you, so do not worry about that. It's just that since I am getting ready to start the college phase of my life, I might be a bit slow on updates. It's too soon to say though, but I'll keep you updated on that, if you are interested.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy stepped off of the train and looked down at the job request she had taken. After checking the listed address of the job requester and began making her way there. After Erza went on another date with her partner whom she hadn't yet introduced to the guild, Natsu and Lisanna went on a job, and Gray went to Lamia Scale to visit Lyon, Lucy decided to take a solo job. She liked the idea of earning a full reward and not having to fix the destruction that her team would leave behind.

She took a job that looked more difficult than the rest. Take down a small dark guild. She already had a plan. Have a few of her spirits fight the dark mages while she uses her star dresses to fight the master. It was a great plan in her mind. The reward was great too. three-hundred-thousand jewel. She smiled, excited to fight this dark guild and get her money.

She had found the job requester and got the location of the dark guild's hideout by the end of the day. She trudged through the nearby woods, looking for a clearing with a large building in the middle of it when she heard rustling in the undergrowth behind her. Lucy swung around and pointed Loke's key outward, ready to summon him and fight alongside him. She was just about to call out the Zodiac celestial spirit when a man that she recognized emerged from the undergrowth.

She sighed as she hooked Loke's key back onto her keyring and lightly scolded, "Jellal! You scared me! I thought that you were and dark mage and was just about to summon Loke to beat you up!"

Jellal chuckled as he approached her, responding, "sorry, Lucy. What are you doing here? Where is your team?"

Lucy answered, "they are doing their own things. I'm here on a solo job."

Jellal nodded as he walked in the direction Lucy had been walking in and Lucy walked right next to him. The blue-haired man asked, "came to fight a dark guild here?"

Lucy nodded, guessing, "you're coming after the same guild?"

Jellal nodded, giving her a smile. Lucy blushed and looked away. For some time now she's had a crush on Jellal. She never thought much about it at first, but as it remained and grew, she's had difficulty ignoring it. She doubted that he felt the same way, so she quickly decided that she'd complete this job as soon as possible, collect her reward, and head back to Magnolia before she ended up making a fool of herself.

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