I'm Happy with Them! (Sting x Lucy x Rogue)

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This was requested on AO3 by Fairyzilla.

I LOVE StiLuRo. So much so that it's basically my fourth OTP. I love StiLu. I love RoLu. What could be better than combining the two ships?

I love the idea of Lucy's guildmates disapproving of her dating Sting and Rogue. I can see them disapproving and trying to break them up, not out of malicious intent, but out of protectiveness. I also like the idea of this causing Sting and Rogue to become jealous and insecure as a result, which causes Lucy to put her foot down and make it clear to her guildmates that she loves the two dragon slayers and to back off.

I wish that there were more StiLuRo fics. I just love the ship so much.

Also, I am now accepting requests for Lisanna x Lucy oneshots.

I hope you enjoy!


"Don't worry you two. I'm sure that it'll be fine."

Sting and Rogue looked at each other as they followed their girlfriend to Fairy Tail, both unsure. They had both been dating Lucy for a year now, and even though they weren't in the same guild as her, the three had managed to make it work.

The two dragon slayers knew that it was only a matter of time until the celestial wizard would want to announce their relationship to her guildmates. She was especially emboldened to do so when they announced to Sabertooth that they were in a polyamorous relationship. It came as a shock to the Sabers, but they all accepted it and were supportive, nonetheless.

Sting placed a hand on Lucy's shoulder, bringing her to a stop and turning her around so she would look at her boyfriends. He then spoke with an unsure tone, "are you sure, Blondie?"

Lucy nodded with a confident smile. "Of course! I mean, Fairy Tail and Sabertooth are friends. Why wouldn't my guildmates react the same way that yours did?"

She turned around to continue walking but was quickly stopped by Rogue gently grabbing her arm and returning her attention back to them. The black-haired man said softly, "Star, we're sure that your guildmates wouldn't mind you being friends with us, but a platonic relationship and a romantic relationship are different. Just because they'd accept us as friends doesn't mean they'll accept us as partners. Sting and I think that we should wait a little bit longer."

Lucy sighed. She smiled at her boyfriends, reaching up to rest one hand on Sting's cheek and the other hand on Rogue's cheek, and responded as she looked from one dragon slayer to the other, "I understand your worry,  felt the same way when we told your guild, but I trusted you both and it turned out perfectly. Please, trust me as I trust you two."

Sting and Rogue glanced at each other before sharing a smile and nod. Sting leaned down to kiss Lucy, immediately followed by Rogue once he pulled away. The celestial wizard smiled back and turned around, entwining her fingers with the Sting's and Rogue's. The trio continued on with their walking, Lucy in the middle and brimming with excitement.

The two dragon slayers on either side of her smiled fondly at their girlfriend but were unable to return the same amount of excitement. They trusted Lucy, they truly did. However, they each still had an inkling of worry that Fairy Tail wouldn't react well. Sure, the two guilds were friends but there were still some hard feelings that remained on the side of the Fairies.

When they reached the Fairy Tail guildhall doors, Lucy released her boyfriends' hands and pushed open the doors, stepping inside with Sting and Rogue right behind her. The blonde woman called out happily, "Hello, everyone! I'm back!"

The guild turned around to greet her but quickly stopped when they all noticed the two dragon slayers behind her. Just before Lucy could speak, Natsu jumped onto a table and loudly asked, "Hey, Luce, there are two Sabers behind you!"

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