I will Live for a Million Years (Loke x Lucy ft. Aquarius)

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This was requested on AO3 by butterflyzilla.

Here's some LoLu fluff and angst.

I hope you enjoy!


Loke was relaxing in the Celestial Spirit World. He was watching as Taurus and Hercules spared together, a few other celestial spirits cheering them on. Thoughts of visiting his girlfriend were rolling through his mind when he felt it. A feeling of dread that resulted in his stomach dropping to his feet. His blood ran cold and his heart all but stopped. His relaxed sitting position shifted to one of rigidness and alertness. His eyes were blown wide with fear.

Something was wrong. Something was very wrong with Lucy.

Without a second thought, he opened his gate himself and disappeared from the Spirit World. Within a few seconds, he appeared in Fairy Tail's infirmary. His eyes instantly fell upon his girlfriend, finding that she was lying there underneath the white covers, a wet piece of cloth over her forehead.

Loke launched himself toward her. His eyes roamed over her form. Her skin was deathly pale and sweat covered. His hair was damp with sweat. There were visible bags underneath her closed eyelids and her breathing was heavy, coming out of her agape mouth. Loke could feel his heartbeat pick up its speed until it felt as though it could bruise his chest. He placed his hands on Lucy's shoulders and gently shook her, exclaiming, "Lucy! Lucy! Wake up, please!"

The blonde groaned as her eyes opened, though not fully. Her eyes shifted over to him and Loke's breath caught in his throat when he saw how hazy and unfocused her brown eyes were. He gulped and blinked back tears as he said, his voice weak and already broken, "what happened?"

The corners of Lucy's mouth twitched up in a small smile. She slowly, weakly, lifted her hand to place it on his cheek. The action was so familiar that Loke unconsciously leaned into the touch, not failing to notice that her palm was burning hot.

Lucy opened her mouth and managed to whisper, "I...got s-sick." Her voice was hoarse and it seemed that just talking was painful to her. It caused Loke's chest to hurt.


The celestial spirit turned around at the sound of his name. He watched as Levy solemnly walked toward him, her hands clamped in front of her and her head drooping. She came to a stop in front of him and explained, "she was on a job with Cana. The dark mage they were fighting cast some sort of sickness spell on Lucy. Alzack and Bisca are getting Porlyusica."

Anger swirled within Loke's gut, but it was easily overshadowed by the worry and fear that he felt. He whipped back around to grip Lucy's hot, pale, sweaty hand in his. Tears burned his eyes and his breathing became heavy as he whispered to her, "Lucy, you have to get through this. Please. I can't leave me. Not yet." His voice was trembling and quiet. He struggled to hold back his tears, not wanting to fall apart so easily. His girlfriend was clearly fighting for her life, and he had to be strong.

Lucy continued to smile at him. It was a pained and tired smile. She opened her mouth to say something, but Loke shushed her, telling her, "you need to save up what strength you have left."

He didn't know how long he remained like that, but all too quickly, Porlyusica showed up and ordered that Levy leave and Loke return to the Celestial Spirit World. The Zodiac spirit tried to argue, tried to appeal to the aging woman's heart and get her to allow him to stay beside his girlfriend, but she was adamant that he leave. Eventually, Loke had no choice but to obey, not wanting to delay Lucy's treatment.

When reappeared in the Celestial Spirit World, he found himself alone. Loke stood there, staring at nothing in particular. His breathing was heavy and his hands were trembling at his sides. His mind was jumbled with thoughts, all reflecting his worry and fear toward Lucy and her condition.

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