When the Matchmaker Falls in Love (Mira x Lucy)

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This was requested on Wattpad by CelineCourageux.

I really like MirLu. It's a very interesting ship that would have great potential. I love the idea of her being shy when it comes to her own crushes, but a complete matchmaker when it comes to other people's crushes. I think that Mira and Lucy would make a very good couple, and an attractive one too. I enjoy reading MirLu fics and I think there aren't enough of them.

I hope you enjoy!


"Mira, you can't just pine for her forever!"

Mira turned her fixed gaze on Fairy Tail's celestial wizard to her sister. She responded, still polishing the same glass that she had been polishing for twenty minutes, "yes I can! I can continue pinning for her forever and I will!"

Lisanna rolled her eyes. "What are you going to do if she gets with someone else?"

Mira looked back at Lucy before quickly turning back to her sister to answer, "I'll deal with the heartbreak by being happy for her."

Lisanna sighed. She reached over the bar to take the thoroughly polished glass from the barmaid's hands and sat it down on the surface of the bar. She then asked, "you're just going to let someone else get her first?"

Mira nodded, causing Lisanna to sigh again. The youngest Strauss sibling was becoming frustrated by her sister. She knew that her sister was in love with Lucy and had been since the blonde joined Fairy Tail. She also knew that Lucy felt the same way about Mira. Lisanna had been trying to get her sister to confess to the celestial wizard, but that task was proving to be very difficult. Maybe she should try getting Lucy to confess instead.

She rested her chin in her palm, propping her arm up on the bar. "I know you're scared of rejection and find talking to Lucy to be difficult, but if you don't confess to her, you will never get closure."

Mira wrung her hands, anxiety building up at the thought of confessing her love to Lucy. She turned her blue gaze back to said young woman, watching as the blonde laughed and talked with her team. The white-haired mage smiled at the sight. She enjoyed seeing Lucy being so carefree and happy, and she loved the sound of her laughter.

Once Lisanna's words sunk in, she asked, not looking away from Lucy, "what do you mean by 'closure'?"

Lisanna answered, "you will never know if Lucy feels the same way. For all you know, she could love you too, but if you don't confess, then you will forever wonder if she felt the same way or not. You will never get closure if you don't tell her how you feel."

Mira ripped her gaze away from the woman of her dreams to look at her sister with wide eyes. She responded, "I know she doesn't feel the same way!"

Lisanna slammed her hands on the bar, all but yelling, "No you don't! You don't know if she feels the same way!"

Mira jumped at her sister's sudden outburst. She looked down at her feet. Yes, she didn't know if Lucy loved her too. She wanted to confess, but she was so anxious at the idea and so scared of rejection that she couldn't bring herself to actually do it. She was afraid of ruining her wonderful friendship with the blonde. She knew that it was possible to Lucy loved her too, after all, the celestial wizard had once admitted to liking women. Mira had managed to convince herself that it was best if she suppressed her feelings and stand on the side as Lucy fell in love with someone else and be happy with the person she truly loved. The S-Class mage was unable to talk herself out of the mindset that she had talked herself into.

Lisanna relaxed with yet another sigh, taking a moment to look around, ensuring that her outburst hadn't drawn any attention. Luckily, her guildmates were too busy either talking or beginning a brawl. She turned back to her older sister. "you want Lucy to be happy, right?"

Mira looked back up and nodded fervently. Of course she wanted Lucy to be happy, why wouldn't she? Lisanna continued, folding her arms on the surface of the bar, "what if being with you makes Lucy happy? What if she loves you and is just as nervous and scared as you? If you want her to be happy with the person she loves, then go over to her and confess. If she feels the same way, then you both will be happy and in love. If she doesn't feel the same way, then you two can still remain friends and you will be able to get over her quicker."

Mira stared at her sister with wide eyes. She thought it over. Knowing that her younger sister had a point. She looked back at Lucy, tempted to walk over to her and confess, but her feet refused to move as a familiar feeling of anxiety and fear made itself known, spreading through her body like Natsu's fire. She sifted her gaze away, moving it back to her feet.

Lisanna groaned in frustration. Having had the last straw, she stood up and stomped over to Lucy and her team. Mira looked up, watching in barely disguised horror as her sister dragged her very confused crush over to the bar, making the blonde sit on the stool before Mira. Lisanna then ordered, her hands on her hips, "you two are going to come clean about your feelings for each other right now!" She then turned on her heel and made her way to the rest of Team Natsu.

Mira and Lucy looked at each other, eyes wide. Mira thought about her sister's words. Lisanna was talking to both of us. Does that mean Lucy also has feelings for me? She watched as Lucy blushed and looked down at the surface of the bar, tapping a finger on the dark wood almost nervously.

Mira took a deep breath, knowing that she had to confess or face her sister's wrath. She leaned closer to Lucy, saying with a tone more nervous than she cared for, "L-Lucy!"

The blonde looked up at her, a blush still apparent on her pale cheeks. The two stared at each other, blushing and clearly incredibly nervous. Their hearts were pounding and they were both sure that they were sweating bullets.

Mira steeled her resolve and, in one quick movement, she cupped Lucy's face in her hands and, harder than she meant to, slammed her lips onto the blonde's. When she didn't feel Lucy kiss back, she began to despair, sure that she had ruined their friendship. Just as she was about to pull away, she felt Lucy kiss back, gripping her shoulders and pulling her closer for a deeper kiss. The two women pulled away, blushing and breathless.

They gazed into each other's eyes when they heard a voice that was frustrated by the ridiculous amount of time it took for Mira and Lucy to admit their feelings for each other and relieved that the pinning was finally ended, "finally!"

After her second sudden outburst, Lisanna then turned back to her conversation with Natsu.


I'm feeling like shit, so I decided to make this one short. Sorry for not putting in much Lucy action, but I thought that it would be pretty interesting to see Lisanna deal with Mira's hopeless crush. This was fun to write and I think I did well.

My update schedule:
May 26th: The Bunny Babysitters (Levy x Lucy ft. Romeo)
May 30th: Bride Succubus Lucy (Vidaldus x Lucy)
June 3rd: Fairy Meets Dark Wizard (Zeref x Lucy)
June 6th: Get it Off Your Chest (Cana x Lucy)
June 10th: Please, Forgive Me Part 2 (Gajeel x Lucy)
June 14th: Remember Me? Part 2 (Sting x Lucy)

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