You're Laxus! (Laxus x Lucy)

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This is inspired by a small oneshot Pup wrote for me.

I'm a sucker for LaLu and the short oneshot that Pup sent me was too much of a good, angsty idea that I couldn't pass up the opportunity to write a oneshot about it.

Now, it's been some time since I last watched Fairy Tail, so I may have gotten Laxus' motivation wrong.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy kneeled on the ground, smoke rising from her body as she panted and trembled. Her body was enveloped with pain from the strong lightning strike she had taken. The Thunder Palace lacrima were easy to break, but the resulting attack was no piece of cake to take. She looked over at Happy, seeing that he was laying on the ground, still alive as evidenced by his chest rising and falling.

The celestial wizard gritted her teeth as she forced herself to her feet, her body screaming at herself to stop and rest. However, she had to get Magnolia's cathedral. She had to stop Laxus. She looked down at Happy and instructed him, "go find Erza or Gray." She then turned and took off for the old structure that sat in the center of the town.

As she pushed herself further, memories of her relationship with Laxus flashed through her mind. She had met the dragon slayer several years ago when she was a child. Master Makarov had been attending to Guild Master-related business and had brought his young grandson along with him. At some point, Makarov and Jude had met and Jude had invited him to dinner. It was at this dinner that Lucy and Laxus met.

Lucy smiled as she remembered how she and Laxus, who was just a few years old than her but still just as childish, had sneaked out of the dining room while the two old men were idly talking. The pair of children ran off to Lucy's bedroom where the girl showed him her two golden keys, which she inherited from her late mother. She remembered how Laxus marveled at her keys and then told her about Fairy Tail, diverting into stories about the various mages in his grandfather's guild.

Lucy and Laxus had been sad when Makarov informed them that he and his grandson had to return to Magnolia, however, they quickly decided that they would meet whenever possible. Thus, from that day on, whenever Laxus was on a job nearby, he would take a few days to visit Lucy. Whenever Lucy was accompanying her father on business near the Fairy Tail guildhall, then she would send a letter to Laxus and they would meet at a cafe. It was unfortunate that Lucy's father forbade her from going to the guildhall.

At every meeting, the pair of close friends would talk about all sorts of things, especially about Fairy Tail and the mages there. Lucy enjoyed listening to Laxus chatter about his guildmates, telling her about his friends Freed, Bixlow, and Evergreen, and even telling her about the new pest, Natsu, the stripper, Gray, and Mira's rival, Erza.

However, as time passed, Laxus changed, and not for the better. Lucy watched with a frown as Laxus become crude and hateful toward his guildmates, whom he once spoke highly of. All he seemed to talk about was how weak Fairy Tail was becoming. The change was sudden, almost giving Lucy whiplash. It wasn't long after his drastic change that their meetings ended, not of Lucy's volition. It was Laxus who stopped their meetings, by never visiting her or responding to her letters.

She was ecstatic to join Fairy Tail because not only did it mean freedom from her father and life as an heiress, but it also meant that she would be able to talk to Laxus and figure out what had happened. Turned out, that was an unreachable hope. She had only seen him a few times after she joined Fairy Tail, and each time, she was unable to speak to him. What especially hurt was that he never even gave her a second glance those few times they were in the guildhall at the same time.

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