Drawn to Her Part 2 (Zeref x Lucy)

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This was requested on Wattpad by Bellaboo097023.

It is time for Zeref and Lucy to get together!


I hope you enjoy!


Zeref leaned against a chimney, peering around it to stare down at Lucy. He had been following her to her favorite cafe, where she had recently begun having breakfast every morning. She was such a regular, that not only did the employees know her by name, but they always knew what she wanted because she would get the same thing each morning. Vanilla cappuccino and a few blueberry muffins.

She had stopped on her way to the cafe to pet a dog that was more than happy to allow her to rub its belly and coo at it. Zeref's black gaze softened and a dotting smile spread across his face. He loved how caring she was toward animals. The blonde laughed pleasantly when the dog nuzzled her face. Her music-like laughter carried up to Zeref's ears, causing his heartbeat to pick up speed and a blush to dust across his cheeks.

Once again, he found himself wishing that he could listen to her laughter all day every day. He turned away from the sight and glared down at the roof he was standing on. He was frustrated with himself. It's been about half a year since he first started following her, and as time passed, he found himself wanting more. Before, he was able to keep himself from approaching her during the day or entering her house while she slept at night. However, now it was becoming increasingly difficult.

He knew that stalking her was bad enough. He knew that watching her sleep was bad enough. He knew that it would be wrong to enter her home or try to talk to her. He had no right to have any sort of interaction or relationship with her. Even if he did have a relationship with her, he would never be able to tell her who he was. He would have to create a fake identity and lie to her about himself. The very thought of doing that made him feel sick.

Zeref was previously able to keep his distance and was perfectly happy with doing so. He was content with simply watching her, observing her from afar like she was the brightest star in the night sky and he was a mere astronomer, marveling at her beauty and shine, but unable to reach for her. Now, several months later, he was plagued with thoughts of talking to her, of passing through the window that separated him from her at night, of declaring his love. He couldn't allow himself to step across the boundaries that he had set, so he quickly stopped watching her sleep. Instead, he would sit right outside of her apartment door, looking as though he was protecting her from any would-be intruders.

Zeref furrowed his brow as he narrowed her eyes. He was sure that to anybody that may have somehow spotted him, he seemed to have a grudge against the roof that was below his feet. He couldn't allow himself to get any closer to her than he already was. He was a dark wizard. He was evil. Lucy, however, was the opposite. She was good. She was an angel. In his eyes, she was perfect. He couldn't corrupt her. It didn't matter how much he wanted her, if he even touched her, then he would risk darkening her spirit. He couldn't allow that.

He looked past the chimney again, seeing if Lucy was still there. He watched as she stood back up, said goodbye to the dog, and continued on her way. Zeref hopped along on the roofs of the buildings that led to their destination. He's told himself countless times that he had to stop this. He had to stop following her or else he would take a step toward her. However, no matter how much he told himself this, he wasn't able to leave her. It was like she was a black hole. Drawing him toward her no matter how much he struggled to pull himself away. All the while, she was blissfully unaware of his internal conflict.

Upon reaching the cafe, he waited for Lucy to walk in, confirm her order that the working employee already knew, and sit down before he walked in himself and sat at a booth near her table. He watched as Lucy read a book, humming softly to herself as she waited for her breakfast. His fingers twitched. How he wanted to eat with her and hold her hand. He looked down at the table that was sitting at, furrowing his brow once again. Maybe he should leave before he went too far. Yes. That sounded like a good idea. He was about to stand up and take his leave when he heard a melodic voice, not once before directed to him, but was now.

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