The Nightmares of Iron and Water (Gajeel x Lucy x Juvia)

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This was requested on AO3 by butterflyzilla.

Time for some hurt/comfort! Whoo!

I hope you enjoy!


If there was one thing that Lucy wasn't expecting when she started dating both Gajeel and Juvia, it was helping them with occasional nightmares. When it had first happened with Juvia, she thought that the nightmares were of the normal kind. Imagine her surprise when, upon pulling Juvia into her arms and rubbing circles on her back, her girlfriend confessed to her not only the nature of the nightmares, but that Gajeel had them too.

It wasn't until a couple of weeks later, when she was staying over at Gajeel's place, that Lucy first experienced the results of one of Gajeel's nightmares. When Juvia had her nightmare, she had curled up against Lucy and tried to cry silently, the sniffling and feeling of tears dripping onto her skin being what had woken up Lucy. Gajeel, however, had woken out of his nightmare more subtly. Lucy would have probably not woken up if it wasn't for the fact that the dragon slayer next to her had flinched back to consciousness with a force that lightly shook the bed.

She had woken up and remained where she lay for a few moments, trying to comprehend what had happened. When her mind recalled Juvia's nightmare and the reveal that Gajeel was having them too, she had sat up and gently shook her boyfriend, asking if he was alright. After several minutes, she hadn't been able to get him to open up to her about what had woken him up so suddenly, so she ended up leaving him be and going back to sleep, the feeling of worry that had settled in her stomach making that difficult.

Now, about half a year into her relationship with Juvia and Gajeel, Lucy was still trying to help them with their nightmares, even though her boyfriend still wouldn't admit what the nightmares were about.

The most recent nightmare that Juvia had was probably the worst. Lucy had been sound asleep when she suddenly woke up. Her eyelids slowly opened as her brain kicked into drive to make her a functioning human being due to being awake now. Lucy sat up and rubbed her eyes, her mind trying to figure out what had woken her up. It didn't take long for the sound of sniffling reached her ears.

In an instant, she turned to her girlfriend, finding that the water mage was curled up and silently crying into her hands, her shoulders shaking with muffled sobs. Lucy felt her heart clench painfully at the sight and tears pricked the corners of her eyes. She gently laid her hand on Juvia's shoulder and murmured, "another nightmare?" When her girlfriend nodded, she continued, "do you want something?"

After a stretch of silence, Juvia didn't give a verbal answer. Instead, she turned over in the bed and opened her arms. Lucy smiled down at her and laid back down, allowing Juvia to wrap her arms around her and press her face against her breasts. Lucy returned the embrace, one hand pressed against the back of her girlfriend's head and the other hand rubbing her girlfriend's back.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lucy knew that Juvia won't, she never did, but still thought that she should ask.

Juvia shook her head. Lucy could feel her girlfriend's warm tears wetting the tops of her breasts, but she couldn't bring herself to care. Several minutes seemed to pass before Juvia finally whispered, "I'm sorry." Her voice was slightly raspy and could barely be heard.

Lucy's heart hurt at the sound. She knew that her girlfriend was still remorseful over what Phantom Lord had done. She wasn't made at either of her partners, she never was. She knew that they were just doing what they were told to do and didn't know what she had ran away from. She didn't blame them. And she especially didn't hold anything against them because she knew that they had both changed. They were her boyfriend and girlfriend and members of Fairy Tail.

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