Love Born from Heartbreak (Juvia x Lucy)

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This was requested by Bellaboo097023.

I really, really like Luvia. It's a very attractive pairing and I love their friendship, despite Juvia seeing Lucy as a love rival. I think that Juvia and Lucy would be a very good couple. Luvia has actually been growing on me a lot recently and I wish there were more fics about the pairing. They have a great dynamic and I just love both of them.

I hope you enjoy this oneshot!


Lucy opened her eyes to the bright rays of the sun shining onto her face. She sat up and stretched while she yawned. Looking her bed over, she noticed that Natsu wasn't there snoring away next to her like he usually was. It was strange, but she brushed it off, assuming that he just didn't feel like breaking into her house. Either that, or he was there but left before she had woken up.

She had to be honest, at first, she was annoyed whenever he would break into her house and sleep in her bed with her, but as time went on, she found that she didn't mind it so much. In fact, she eventually enjoyed being wrapped in his arms at night and waking up to him snuggled against her. It didn't take long for Lucy to figure out that she had a crush on Natsu.

She had been trying to work up the courage to tell him, but always chickened out whenever she had decided to take the chance. However, she wasn't going to chicken out this time. No. She was going to confess her feelings to Natsu today.

With determination, Lucy hopped out of bed and made her way into her bathroom. She quickly showered and got dressed in a light blue tank top and black miniskirt. She then made herself breakfast and once she was done eating she rushed out of her apartment and to the guild.

She pushed open the guildhall doors and walked in, scanning the guildhall for a familiar head of pink hair. Not finding her target, she walked over to Mira, who was cleaning a glass. The white-haired mage looked up, greeting her friend, "Hello, Lucy. The usual?"

Lucy shook her head asking as she leaned forward with her folded arms resting on the table, "have you seen Natsu? I need to talk to him."

Mira smiled, answering, "he and Gray went into the library."

Lucy raised a blonde eyebrow. "The library? Natsu and Gray? I always thought that they didn't even know that Fairy Tail had a library."

Mira chuckled at that and shrugged. Lucy thanked the take-over mage and made her way to the library, going over her confession in her head several times. Upon opening the door that revealed the hallway that led to the doors to Fairy Tail's library, she found an unexpected sight. Sitting on the floor, right in front of the closed library doors was Juvia. The water mage was crying into her hands, trying her best to muffle her sobs.

Lucy rushed over and kneeled next to her crying friend, pulling her into her chest as her crying continued. Lucy rubbed Juvia's back as she held her, trying to calm her friend. Once the water mage's muffled crying subsided into only sniffles with a few stray tears, Lucy gently pushed her away, holding onto her shoulders, and questioned softly, "Juvia, what happened? Why were you crying?"

Juvia could only point to the library doors and whisper, "look inside."

Slowly, Lucy stood up and approached the wooden doors. She opened one door slightly, just enough to peek in. When she saw what had made Juvia cry, she could feel her own heart break and tears well up in her brown eyes.

Inside the library, sitting at one of the tables, was Natsu and Gray having a full-blown make-out session. Lucy soundlessly closed the door and rested her forehead against its wooden surface. Tears began to trickle down her face as she willed herself to not cry.

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