Please, Forgive Me Part 2 (Gajeel x Lucy)

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This was requested on Wattpad by Bellaboo097023.

The first part was pure angst, so here is some more angst with fluff mixed in.

I hope you enjoy!


Lucy sat at the bar, facing the guild and drinking a strawberry milkshake. Next to her, Natsu was rambling on about a solo job he had just gotten back from. Though Lucy was hearing him talking, she wasn't listening. Her brown gaze was searching for a certain dragon slayer. She found to her dismay that he wasn't in the guild. Again. He hadn't been in the guild at all for a week. She was worried. Of course she was worried. Why wouldn't she be?

Something was wrong with Gajeel, she knew that something was wrong, but what was it? She spied Levy reading a book alone at a nearby table. Turning to her best friend, Lucy cut him off, "sorry, Natsu, but I need to talk to Levy."

Natsu whined, "what? But Luce, I'm not done telling you about how I beat up an entire dark guild by myself!"

Lucy smiled at him, saying, "how about you finish the story in the morning? I can make you breakfast."

Natsu gave a toothy grin and accepted her offer, jumping off of his stool and rushing off to start a fight with Gray. Lucy made her way over to Levy and sat down, getting the blue-haired woman's attention in doing so. Levy looked at her and greeted her, "Hey, Lucy! What's up?"

Lucy took a sip of her cold drink. She then sat the cup on the table and asked, "is Gajeel alright? You seem to be the closest to him, so I thought that you might know."

She noticed that the letter mage froze, looking as though she had just been caught in a lie. Lucy raised a blonde eyebrow, her worry for Gajeel rising. Levy's eyes darted toward the guildhall doors before she answered, "he's fine! I promise you don't need to worry about him!" She then stood up, muttering that she had to go.

Before she could take more than a few steps, Lucy caught her wrist, demanding, "tell me what is wrong with Gajeel, Levy! I know that something is going on with him! Tell me now, please!"

Levy sighed. She turned around and walked back to the table and sat back down. She gave Lucy a concerned look as she asked, "how do you feel about Gajeel?"

Lucy was the one that froze this time. Her eyes widened and a blush quickly spread across her cheeks. She sifted her gaze to the surface of the table. She was sure how to answer that question. How did she feel about Gajeel? She knew that she had a positive view of him. She had forgiven him when he helped Natsu defeat Laxus during the Fantasia Incident. She wanted to be his friend, but he didn't seem to desire the same thing. It hurt her to think that Gajeel didn't like her as much as she liked him.

Finally finding her tongue, Lucy responded, "I-I don't know."

Levy smiled sweetly at her. "Describe to me what you think and how you feel about him," she requested.

Lucy nodded, her brown eyes still locked on the brown table she was sitting at and her milkshake forgotten. Taking a deep breath, she began speaking her mind, "well, I think he's very handsome and that he's a great guy underneath his tough exterior. I forgave him for what he did to me pretty quickly. I want to get closer to him, but he doesn't seem to feel the same way. Whenever I see him sitting alone, I want to sit with him. I want to get closer to him. It hurts me that he seems to not like me as much as I like him."

Levy questioned with a knowing smile, "what do you feel when he looks at you, talks to you, and stands next to you?"

Lucy answered with a slight blush, "my face heats up, my heartbeat gets faster, my stomach gets this fluttering feeling in it, and I want all of those things to happen more."

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