Older Men (Gildarts x Lucy)

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This was requested on AO3 by SakuraFairy.

Gildarts x Lucy isn't something that I ship. As I've stated in the Rules chapter/post, I don't ship Lucy with people that are old enough to be her parent or grandparent. However, I've recently read some Gildarts x Lucy fics to get some inspiration for this oneshot. I will admit, I've warmed up to the ship a little bit, there are a few really good fics about these two. Although, I still don't ship it, instead, I more like the idea of Gildarts being a father figure to Lucy.

Anyways, I hope this isn't too bad.



Lucy has always liked older men.

She guessed it was because of how she was raised and all the older men that her father entertained and thought about setting his daughter up with.

She wasn't sure. She just knew that she was interested in men that were mature. Very mature. Her preferred age range being thirty to fifty.

She had never intended on letting her friends find out, until one day when Cana had dragged her to an empty corner of the guild. The blonde was sat down across from her brunette friend. Cana took a swig of her barrel and then asked, just a little tipsy, "hey, what kind of men are you into, Lu?"

Lucy blushed at that. How was she supposed to answer? Cana's father was forty-five. Lucy looked at her brawling guildmates, racking her brain for a way to get out of this. Her flustered gaze was brought back to Cana when the card mage slammed her barrel loudly onto the wooden table. She asked again, "what type of men are you into? It's a simple question." She then added upon noticing Lucy's discomfort, "Hey, come on. You can tell me. I don't shame people for their preferences, you know that."

Lucy sighed, knowing that Cana wouldn't let her leave until she got an answer. The blonde mage stared down at the table, her face burning from embarrassment. "W-Well, I have always had a thing for older men."

Cana then asked a follow-up question, "age range?"

Lucy swallowed, her brown eyes remaining on the surface of the table. "Um...thirty to fifty, I guess."

Cana nodded at that before she began to chug a barrel of alcohol. Lucy sat there, staring at Cana wondering if she was free to leave. She had to know though, why did Cana want to know this piece of personal information? The curiosity got the better of her, and the celestial wizard cleared her throat to get her friend's attention. Cana lowered the barrel to look at her blonde friend, raising a dark brown eyebrow as she did so. Lucy asked, "why...why did you want to know...that stuff?" Cana chuckled as she sat down her now empty barrel.

She smirked.

Lucy didn't like that smirk.

Cana then asked, "do you think my father is attractive?"

Lucy's dark red blush came back. She had to admit, she did think that Gildarts was very handsome. She liked how muscular he was, as it was a stark difference from the older men that she was constantly surrounded by when she was still an heiress. She wasn't sure if she actually had feelings for her friend's father or if it was just a simple attraction that would pass with time.

Nevertheless, Lucy couldn't deny the blush that would appear on her face whenever Gildarts would give her a pat on the back after she was successful on a job with Cana, or would even so much as smile at her. She couldn't deny that her heartbeat would pick up speed when he stood near her or talked to her. She couldn't deny that she would get a fluttering feeling in her stomach when he would give her a passing compliment.

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