Shut Up and Kiss Me (Loke x Lucy)

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This was requested on Wattpad by Charamocha.

More LoLu! Woo!

Also, Happy Hanukkah to everybody who celebrates it!

I hope you enjoy!


Loke cursed under his breath as a few of the boxes he was carrying fell to the ground. Almost dejectedly, he sighed as he set the other two boxes on the ground and picked up the three fallen boxes, hoping that nothing had broken. He stacked the boxes on top of each other again before picking them up and continuing on his way to Lucy's apartment.

His wizard was away on a job without her team, and she was supposed to return in the evening. He was determined to welcome her back with a surprise that he knew she would love. You see, his genius plan was to set up a lovely dinner in her apartment, just for the two of them. He was also planning to finally confess his feelings to her.

Ever since Lucy saved his life, Loke's been in love with Lucy. He would flirt with her every time he was either summoned by her or summoned by himself. However, Lucy would only respond to his flirting with dismissive remarks and eye rolls. Loke didn't blame her for not taking his flirting seriously. After all, he had been a notorious womanizer for about three years.

Nevertheless, he was determined to put an end to Lucy's belief that his flirting was insincere and make her see that he truly was in love with her and wanted to be with her. He had already given up flirting with other women, something that he had hoped Lucy would notice, but didn't. He was now going to set up a dinner date as proof that he was serious about her.

When he arrived at Lucy's apartment, he shifted the stack of five boxes to rest on one arm and used his free hand to open the front door. He then stepped inside the apartment, pushed the door closed with his foot, and made his way into the main room. He sat the boxes on Lucy's bed and set about working. He unstacked the boxes and opened them one by one, deciding to set up the table before he began cooking. In the first box were plates, glasses, and silverware, in the second box was a white tablecloth, in the third box were two bottles of red wine and a tall, white candlestick and gold candlestick holder, in the fourth box were ingredients for what he was planning to cook, and in the fifth box were pink and blue roses and strawberry-covered chocolate.

He took out the white tablecloth and draped it over the wooden table that sat in the middle of the room. Once he was sure that it was smoothed out, Loke picked out the contents of the first box and sat them on the covered table, setting a plate in front of each of the two chairs with a wine glass on one side of each plate and a fork and knife on top of each plate. He then pulled out of the wine glasses, setting one on the table and deciding to take the other into the kitchen. After finishing off the setup with a white candlestick in a candlestick holder in the middle of the table, he picked up the fourth box and made his way into the kitchen.

It took him the rest of the day, but Loke was able to complete setting up the dinner before Lucy returned. He scooped steaming chicken, peas, and mashed potatoes onto the plates. It wasn't his first pick for dinner with his beloved wizard, but he, unfortunately, couldn't remember how to cook very much else. He heaved a sigh before he headed into the kitchen to properly store the second bottle of wine.

As he was placing it in the refrigerator, the celestial spirit heard a loud bang from the main room. He threw the refrigerator door closed and bolted out of the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks to find Team Natsu, lounging around. Gray was flipping through Lucy's half-finished novel, Natsu and Happy were gobbling down the food on both plates, and Erza was sitting on the bed, eating the chocolate-covered strawberries. The door was broken open.

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