she catches you singing in the airport (requested)

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As you became overwhelmed by all the commotion and loud voices from all around you, you began to feel extremely overwhelmed and decided to step out of the crowd of fans to go across the almost-empty part of the airport.

There were only a few people in the area you decided to take a seat in.

They were all busy doing their own thing, whether that be by scrolling through their phones or reading a book, or talking with other people.

They didn't seem to even notice you and they were all pretty quiet, which was a nice comparison to where you had just been.

You looked back at the crowd of fans and shook your head, debating on whether you even wanted to try and stick around to catch a glimpse of the girls or if you just wanted to go home and see if another day like this would come around sooner or later.

Unlike all of the other fans, you had no plans on pulling out your phone to record the girls as they walk off the plane.

You simply want to get a glimpse of each member.

They're a huge part of your life and have helped you through some of the worst times in your life.

You just wanted to see them with your own eyes, nothing more.

Deciding that you'd take a few minutes to think about whether you wanted to just head home or not, you decided to pull out your earbuds and put them into your ears.

You'd listen to a song or two from ITZY and then make your choice. Until then, you'd catch your breath and enjoy the quietness around you.

You thought you had a few minutes before they'd even get off the plane. But you were wrong.

As you began to feel an immense amount of comfort from their voices through your headphones, they walked into the airport.

There were some guards surrounding them and they were completely exhausted due to traveling lately and performing in different parts of the world.

But they remained humble and kind and made sure to wave to everyone as they walked and talked to each other.

Something stopped Yeji only a moment later though.

Despite the loud and excited screams coming from around the girls, she heard something from across the room.

A beautiful voice singing along to... an ITZY song?

She looked at the girls, wondering if they had heard it too, but they were talking to each other and still walking. She and one guard were the only ones that weren't moving.

She looked around the room and her gaze fell onto you. You were sitting on a seat with your head back and your eyes closed.

"I'll be back in a minute. I want to say hi to that fan!" She grinned and rushed to you, quickly reaching your side.

As you got caught up in singing along to sorry not sorry, she was patiently waiting for you to notice her standing there.

But after waiting a moment, she decided to gently take your headphones out and started to sing along to the song.

Your eyes opened wide and your heart almost exploded from your chest when you saw her standing there in front of you.

"Hi!" She grinned from ear to ear.

You gasped and stood up. She handed your earbuds back to you and you put them in the case before putting your attention back on her.

"You're a midzy?"

You excitedly nodded your head.

"Yes! A huge one! I can't believe you're actually standing here in front of me."

"How cute you are!" She giggled before pulling you in for a hug.

You almost squealed from the excitement you felt but you managed to keep that inside and instead melted into her arms.

It felt so surreal. She and the girls are so important to you. They've gotten you through some very dark times and made you feel less alone and much happier than you were before.

And this moment meant so much to you. Being able to hug Yeji brought you an inexpressible rush of happiness that words couldn't even begin to express.

She and the girls have all brought you such an indescribable amount of joy and comfort since you first discovered them.

Through the good, the bad, and everything in between you have found a safe place in them and their music, and though it might sound cliche, they're been a huge source of strength in your life and you don't know where you'd be without them.

You've dreamt of this moment and yet, it was more perfect than you imagined it would be.

You felt like crying, although you did your very best to hold back your tears.

You pulled away after a moment and noticed the happiness in her eyes.

She seemed just as happy to meet you as you were to meet her.

"What's your name?"


"It's so lovely to meet you, y/n! Thank you for being such a huge and loyal fan. I speak on behalf of all of us that it means everything and more to us. You're absolutely wonderful and I hope you stay around for a very long time."

"I will! I promise!"

She opened her arms for you, wanting one more quick hug.

"Thank you for coming to meet me. I'm so happy. It means so much."

"Anytime. I'm always happy to meet Midzy. You're so kind. I wish you all the best in life. We love you."

You sniffled, unable to hide your tears any longer.

"I hope to meet you again someday!"

"Me too!" You said and she grinned happily.

"I have to go but you absolutely made my day. I hope your day is as wonderful as you are, lovely!"

She waved goodbye to you, sending you that precious smile once more as she walked away.

Your knees almost gave out.

From the happiness you felt, a couple of tears fell from your eyes.

That was easily the best moment of your life.

Nothing was ever going to make you happier and nothing would ever top that moment.

You'd always remember those words she spoke to you and the warmth and safety you felt while wrapped in her arms.

You'd never forget her kindness and the happiness she made you feel.

If it was even possible, you love her and the girls even more now than you did before.

You just hope she knows that she made your day just as much as she says you made hers.

She means the world to you and you'll cherish every second you got to spend with her for the rest of your life.

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