New normal

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'Why don't you and Pepper have a date night?' Kat suggested.

'YES.' Pepper said coming into the kitchen. "Katlin, I love you.'

'I know,' kat said looking back to tony. 'let me spend some quality time with my Godchild without you lurking around.' She teased.

'Yes, thank you, Katlin.' Pepper said hugging her. 'I'm going to change into something that doesn't have vomit on it.'

'You say that after hugging me?' kat teased.

'Thanks Kat.' Tony said.

'No problem, you gonna leave the babysitter money to order a pizza?' she joked.

'I love you, you know that right Kat?'

"I love you too Tony.' She told him, kissing his cheek. 'now go and have a good night with your wife.' Words her younger self never thought she would say. 'me and morgan are gonna watch some Game of Thrones.' Kat informed him.

'Kat-' Tony laughed. 'Shes not even two yet.'

'so what youre saying is I should wait until shes five?' kat teased.

'She likes blippi.' Pepper said coming down the stairs.

'What is a blippi?' kat questioned.

'Youtuber.' Tony said rolling his eyes. 'Hes an annoying little shit.'

'Morgan likes it.' Pepper told her.

'Okay, no guarantees that we are not watching game of thrones if the blippi is making my head spin.' Kat warned them.

'Do what you want, Katlin...' pepper hugged her. 'if you can get to sleep tonight I might just have to marry you.'

'awe, that's sweet.' Kat glanced to tony, he was rolling his eyes before heading to the door. 'Hey wheres my pizza money?' she called. Tony flipped her off and kat started laughing. 

Love is Strange // Stephen StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now