Planning a wedding

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'Whats this?" Stephen questioned picking up her list.

Lila junior bridesmaid

Morgan the flower girl.

Clint the man of honor.

Wong best man.

Peter groomsman.

'I didn't ask Wong.' Stephen informed her. 'I also thought Nathaniel was going to be the ring bearer?'

'Clint may have warned me that it would be the worst mistake of our wedding to have his son carry such precious cargo.' Kat informed him. 'When are you going to ask wong to be your best man?'

'Never.' stephen answered

'What? Why? He's literally your only friend besides me.' Kat informed him

'Thats not... entirely true.' Stephen told her

'Who are you asking then?'

'No one. '

'No one?' kat questioned

'I dont need-'

'No no no! You convinced me that having clint and peter and wanda would be good. FYI wanda is somewhere on a farm ignoring me so I'm gonna need to pop by and annoy her one of these days. But you said having family here would make the day even more special. We are doing this right.' Kat informed him.

'Ill ask clint' Stephen told her.

'Nope hes my man of honor.' Kat informed him. 'Im gonna put him in a purple bow tie and everything. Who else?' kat questioned thinking of the possible options.


"The raccoon?' Stephen questioned.

"Hes adorable.'

'James Barnes?' Stephen questioned with a smirk.

'God no hes not invited.' Kat told him.

'I thought you two were done fighting?' Stephen teased.

'Zemo is coming and the two of them-'

'Zemo is in prison.' Stephen reminded her.

'Zemo can take a day to come to our wedding.' Kat told him. 'I already decided.'

'course you did, love.'

'of course I did... who else..." kat tapped a finger against her chin as she thought. 'ooh Sam's nephews I could ask one of them to be a ring bearer... do we need a ring bearer even? I mean all little boys are like a ball of energy, maybe its best we don't entrust them with rings.' Kat suggested.


'Hes still doing the whole Arnold palmer half bruce half hulk situation just an FYI my dear.' Kat reminded him.

'Right... i dont know,' stephen told her pulling her into bed.

'Ask wong. You know he would say yes.' Kat told him.

'Hes neglecting his duties as sorcerer supreme enough as it is-'


'I dont need him burning the sanctum to the ground trying to give me a bachelor party or something ridiculous.' Stephen informed her.

'We can always elope but i already asked lila. Shes very excited and Morgan oh shes going to look adorable in a little flower girl dress!' Kat told him as he kissed down her neck pulling at her shirt then her pants.

'No more talk. Just you and me.'

'Just you and me.'

Love is Strange // Stephen StrangeWhere stories live. Discover now