When You Teach Him Something- Michelangelo

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Math. The never-ending torture that school forced onto you each and every day. You groaned as you flipped the page to reveal a backside full of equations. Granted, math was your best class, but that didn't mean you liked doing it.
You were out on the roof. Your ankle had finally healed, so you could climb up on your own. You sighed, looking out over the horizon. You wished you could be anywhere else.
"Y/N!" You turned to see Mikey skating toward you on his skateboard, "Long time no see, lady!"
"Hey Mikey!" You grinned, waving your pencil in the air in hello.
"Whatcha been up to?" Mikey asked, plopping down next to you and looking over your paper.
"Doing some math."
"Math?" Mikey's eyes scanned the complex scrawls on the worksheet, then looking at you with a look of pure awe on his face.
"What?" You demanded.
"How do you even understand this all?" He said, incredulous. He pointed to a particularly tricky problem. "Sine of angle J with cosine of... what?!"
You snickered, shifting closer so that you could demonstrate.
"It's not that hard, really. All you have to remember is SOH-CAH-TOA."
"So caw what?"
You sighed, showing him the meanings of the symbols and letters. "If it's sine of J, then to solve for the problem, you put the value of the opposite side over the value of the hypotenuse."
You rolled your eyes. "Dude, it's the longest side of the triangle."
"...oh," Mikey hesitated, before gesturing to the problem, "Sooo... would it be 6?"
You checked over the question, then looked up at him with a smile plastered on your face. "You nailed it!"
"SWEET!" Mikey whooped, jumping up and doing a little dance.
"Not bad," you commented, "you're a great student!"
"Only 'cause I have the best teacher in the world!" He exclaimed, giving you a big bear hug... or turtle hug.
You felt your face start to heat up, and turned away so Mikey wouldn't see your blushing.

...okay, I'm done.
Raphael: hallelujah.
Me: was that really necessary?
Mikey: praise the lord!
Me: hey!
Donnie: thank the heavens above!
Me: Really?
Leo: Preach it, my brothers! Preach!
Me: grrrr...
April: oh. great. now you've made her angry.
Mikey: this is why we hate it when you stay up late, Annabeth.
April: *to turtles * I'd run, if I were you.
Me: *chase turtles out*
April: *sigh* well, guess that leaves me. Goodbye, annabeths lovelies!

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