Scaredy Cat - Leonardo

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I grinned as I plucked a pencil out of the air, glancing around the room at all the other objects I'd managed to levitate. I heard scuffling behind me, and turned to see Leo walking toward me.

I beamed at him, gesturing to all the floating stuff, "What do you think? I think I'm getting better..."

"That you are," Leo glanced around, his eyes pausing on the heavy-looking table in the corner of the room, "Can you move things across the room yet?"

I simply grinned and closed my eyes, imagining brilliant tendrils of energy extending toward the table, feeling a small tug within that told me my abilities were beginning to kick in. I pictured the table rising up and drifting to the opposite side of the room, and sure enough, when I opened my eyes, the table was exactly where I'd thought it'd be.

I turned to Leo, and his eyes were wide. But he wasn't looking at the table. He was gazing at me in awe, and that's when I noticed that my feet were no longer on the ground. I was levitating so high up my head bumped the ceiling. My heart dropped into my stomach, and I shrieked and flailed my legs, and then yelped as the effects wore off and i began to plummet.

Leo, thankfully, was able to catch me - actually, more like he broke my fall. Because the force of my fall sent us both tumbling on the floor. My breathing was still ragged as I glanced up at the ceiling. That interesting discovery.

"'ve never done that before," Leo got up and helped me to my feet, only to find that my hands were shaking, "Hey, are you alright?"

I slowly nodded.

"...You're afraid of heights?"

I shook my head this time. "I just have a problem with tall structures that aren't sturdy. Or in this case, when there's no structure under me at all, and I'm just floating."

Leo kissed my forehead, "Well, you don't have to worry about falling. I'll always be here to catch you, Yügana."

...Can you say cliché? 😂😅 I don't think that last part could've been any more cliche. Oh well!

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