Awakening- Raphael

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You gradually shook yourself awake, glimpsing 3 other girls in chains beside you. You tried to move, but realized you were chained to the wall as well. The room you were in was filled with all sorts of scientific looking stuff, and a huge tank of glowing green slime was stationed not far away from you. One other girl was awake, looking in terror at the two teens in front of her. The girl on her right, groaned, and looked up at a tray near her, with an empty syringe place on it. You looked over and realized you had a matching tray and needle. However, the syringe was still full, with a partially clear red substance inside. You remembered what had happened, and despite everything going on, shouted at the top of your lungs, "Mom! Mom, where are you?!"

You spotted movement out of the corner of my eye, and turned to see a huge mutant, flying toward you. The fly clicked his mandibles together, his large green eyes peering at you.

"Your mother izzz quite alright, mizzz Y/N," the bug replied, "...For now."

He flipped a switch, lighting up the remainder of the dark room, and you saw your mother tied over the canister of ooze, along with another man.

"No!" you cried, fighting against your shackles, "Let her go! Don't drop her in there, please! I'll do anything!"

"Oh, you will?" the fly seemed interested, "Well, then, let'zzz make a deal. You let me complete the injection, I let your mom go. How'zzz that zzzound?"

Your breathing quickened as you considered your options. You felt the perspiration gathering on your forehead, as you consented, "...Fine."

The fly grinned wickedly, swiping the needle from the table and injecting you with the liquid. You instantly felt even more pain, crying out as the contents of the syringe coursed through your veins.

"Now that wazzzn't zzzo hard, wazzz it?" the fly mumbled, "Too bad, though."

"What?" you inquired, looking up angrily at the mutant.

"We need more zzzervantzzz," the fly sighed, "I'm afraid I muzzzt decline your offer."

The bug pressed a button, and the chain holding your mother snapped loose. You screamed as your mom splashed into the ooze. A few unbearable moments passed, and you broke down in tears, until something burst out of the slime.

The creature swished its tufted tail back and forth, feline eyes gazing up coldly. A mane of fur now made a halo around your mom's head and as she stood, you saw claws protruding from her fingers.

"Mom," you sobbed, but the mutant didn't notice. It walked over to the fly, kneeling, awaiting commands.

That creature wasn't your mother anymore. It was a mindless, mutant lioness, and it only obeyed its creator now.

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