Chapter 2

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Archangel Gabriel's head was pounding. Every inch of his body ached and he groaned. "Eden." His eyes fluttered open….

And a familiar sneer greeted him from a square window carved in the center of the door, metal bars outlining the smugness.

"Sandalphon." Gabriel gasped as he realized that he was in a cell. 

"Gabriel." Sandalphon grinned as Gabriel suddenly clutched his side. "I wouldn't move about for a while. That fall was pretty nasty, pity it didn't kill you lot but there are other ways to make you pay for your crimes against Heaven and the Opposition."

"Where are they?" Gabriel rasped as he touched the side of his face, his fingers meeting warm blood. 

"Who? Be specific Gabriel, there's a lot of traitors here in my care."

"Aziraphale, Crowley and Eden. Where are they? If you've harmed them in any way I'll fucking kill you…." 

Sandalphon laughed. "Threats are useless here Gabriel but your fellow traitors are in the cell next to you." Sandalphon snapped his fingers and a window appeared on the wall left of Gabriel. 

Gabriel peered inside the cell and saw the limp forms of Aziraphale and Crowley. "They're not dead I'm afraid." Sandalphon sighed. "We don't know how to kill those….monsters…but they can be knocked out and their powers are weakened in these state of the art cells."

 "Where's Eden!?" Gabriel snapped. He shakily rose to his feet and staggered to the door's window. "What have you done to her?" 

Sandalphon stared blankly back at Gabriel. "Who?" 

Gabriel grabbed the bars and spat. "Eden. My Eden. Their daughter. My fiancé. The one you laughed at when she lay dying in front of me you cunt." *

Sandalphon suddenly remembered. "Oh yes that…creature…heh. She's in custody of Hastur." He laughed as Gabriel's face fell. 

"Well you've wasted enough of my time. I have other prisoners to check on. Welcome to Alighieri Detention Asylum, your new home. I look forward to our time together."

"I should have killed you when I had the chance." Gabriel rasped. 

"On that we can agree."

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now