Chapter 39

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Once again Eden's aching body brought her back into consciousness. She was back in the infirmary with Brutus watching over her.

"You all right?" Brutus asked as Eden sat up slowly. 

"Never better." Eden rasped as she glanced at her ring. It had been clean, mostly. There was some dried blood here and there but at least the gemstone was blue again. 

"Brutus, do you know where Hellraiser is being kept?"

Brutus nodded as Eden continued. "I know it's a lot to ask, but can you release him please?" Eden rose from the bed shakily. "I want to set him free." 

"I will be honored to do so Eden, but only if you rest." Eden's skin was pale once again. "And eat something, you need your strength." Brutus gestured to the trolley filled with food and drink.

"Okay Brutus." Eden replied as she sat down on the bed. Brutus pushed the trolley closer to her. Eden reached for her tartan bow barrette on the bedside table, placed the bow amongst her wild curls and began to eat.

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