Chapter 40

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"I don't know what I'll do if she discorporates Abraxas." Raguel said fretfully. The two of them had been forced to make preparations as Hastur, Cassius and Judas had left on a quick business trip. Which meant that Abraxas was in charge, leaving Eden unattended. 

 "I'm not going to discorporate again." Eden's voice replied as the two approached the infirmary open door. The duo peeked inside and were greeted by the sight of the black Hellhound Hellraiser sitting on the rickety bed as Eden stuffed food in what was once a blanket. She had finally finished her task and after a quick flick of her wrist, the blanket was now a makeshift sack.

"Eden!" Raguel exclaimed, "What are you doing? Why is the hellhound here?" 

"I'm going to Alighieri Detention Asylum." Eden replied matter of factly. "Hellraiser deserves the right to make his own choice. If you would be so kind, I would appreciate it if one of you would show me the way to the exit." Eden made her way to the door, her footsteps shaky.

Raguel shook his head as he darted to her side. "You are in no condition to travel, even for a short distance. You are still weak from blood loss and you don't have the proper clothes to dress for the weather outside." Raguel turned to Abraxas, "Abraxas, tell her."

Eden's blue serpentine eyes met Abraxas's green gaze. "I refuse to be a pawn in Hastur's plans, and I want my life and my family back."

Abraxas sighed. "I understand Eden." Abraxas met Raguel’s panicked gaze. "You know what is in store for her if she stays." 

"Very well." Raguel relented. "But we are coming with you Eden."

"No, I can't let you do that-" Eden began to protest but Raguel held up his hand. "No arguments. You'll need protection and a guide. But more importantly,  I can continue to care for you and make sure you don't strain yourself. You're already overdoing it." 

Eden shrugged. "I'll be fine." She followed Abraxas and Raguel out of the infirmary with Brutus and Hellraiser following close behind. 

"Abraxas," Raguel said, "The exit is much too far for her to walk and she's going to need warmer clothes." 

"I know…." Abraxas replied,  not sure what to do…. 

"I'll carry her," said Brutus. Eden gasped in surprise as the Glabrezu scooped her up in his strong arms. 

 "Why are you so willing to help?" Abraxas suddenly snapped. The sight of Eden in the muscular demon's arms reinforced how vulnerable Eden really was.

"I have no quarrel with Eden or her father, Crowley." Brutus rumbled. "I also bear no ill will towards you. Now, follow me, I know where the contraband is kept."

Abraxas took the sack of food from Eden. "You just take it easy okay?" Eden nodded gratefully. "Can we look for my sonic screwdriver too? I haven't seen it ever since I've been here."

Abraxas nodded. "Sure we will, even though I have no idea what you are talking about." 

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