Chapter 17

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Despite her less than pleasing supper and terrible living conditions, Eden managed to have a good night sleep with a full belly. Eden opened her eyes with a yawn and she net the yellow gaze of Brutus. 

"Mornin' Brutus." Eden said. She glanced down at her engagement ring as Brutus replied, "You should take off  that ribbon in your hair. The others might confiscate it." 

"Oh. Where should I hide them?" 

"There's a shallow hole in the wall behind you. Put it in there and cover the entrance with snow. It should be safe there." 

Eden did just that. "What about my ring?"

"Keep it on, it will give you courage." Brutus murmured as he suddenly backed away from the door's tiny window. 

Eden flinched as the door swung open and in came Judas and Cassius. They grabbed her roughly by the shoulders and dragged her out of the cell.

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