Chapter 95

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Aziraphale and Eden were now partaking in the father daughter dance.  They were dancing to Steven Curtis Chapman's "Cinderella." Aziraphale couldn't help but be lost in memories. How on Earth did his tiny little baby grow up so quickly? It seemed like only yesterday when she was just a tiny little newborn and now she was a beautiful young lady. But no matter what,  she would always be his Little One.

It seemed that Eden had guessed what he was thinking because Eden smiled at him reassuringly. "Don't worry Papa,  I'll always be your Little One,  even though I'm not so little anymore."

Aziraphale smiled through his tears. "And I'll always be your Papa. Has this day been as wonderful as you hoped it would be?"

"No Papa. It's even better than wonderful. It's been ineffable."

"Yes." Aziraphale rasped. "Ineffable."

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