Chapter 102

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"Okay, where would you like to go first Gabriel? I know I have an itinerary set up here on the computer but I'm flexible." Gabriel stared at the computer screen at the unbelievably long list of locations….

"I don't know what to choose." Gabriel said honestly. "Russia, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, but we've already been there…" 

"We can go there again if you like, just the two of us." 

Gabriel thought carefully for a brief moment, then said, "You know what, suprise me Edie!" 

"Really?" Eden smiled, her heart rate increased with excitement.

"Really." Gabriel smiled back. "Surprise me." Gabriel kissed his new bride on the lips. "It's what you do best, you know."

"Consider it done my love." Eden murmured as she forced her legs to not give out. She pulled a lever, flipped a few switches and when the TARDIS began to shake and whirr, Gabriel clung to her for dear life. He still didn't like this part but Eden would have the TARDIS set to neutral soon…

"GERONIMO!" Eden cried.

With a flash of blue light the TARDIS lifted itself into the air and then vanished before the eyes of Aziraphale and Crowley, who watched the horizon until stars filled the sky.

The End

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now