Chapter 7

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Eden shivered as more snowflakes drifted in through the open window. It hadn't been snowing long but she was already covered in nearly an inch of snow. Eden sat up and scooted away from underneath the window. She brushed the snow off of her but it didn't change how fucking cold it was.

Eden's eyes searched the cell for anything that might help keep her warm, but there was nothing but the stone walls and the heavy metal door. 

Eden froze at the sight of two beady red eyes staring at her. "H-Hello." Eden rasped. "I'm Eden." 

The creature stared at her, its expression unreadable. Eden's eyes had adjusted to the darkness and she could make out part of the creature's face. A blunt, lizard like snout peeked in-between the bars was covered in bright red scales. 

It also had a feline like nose with two bottom fangs that protruded from its maw. It had two black horns curved backwards and pointed red ears.

“Brutus.” A voice called out. “Go sharpen your claws on something.”

“Bye Brutus.” Eden murmured as Brutus lumbered away. 

“I’m so sorry we had to meet again Eden." This time a familiar and friendly face appeared. 

“Abraxas?” Eden gasped with surprise. “Is it really you?”

Abraxas smiled. “Yeah it’s me.” Eden heard keys jangling followed by the sound of gears grinding. Abraxas slid into the cell when he pushed the door open. 

“I don’t know how much time I have before the others come snooping but Brutus won’t bother us at least.” 

As Abraxas kneeled in front of Eden she was able to get a better look at him. His dirty blond hair was messy and he was painfully thin. He looked exactly how he did when they met during Armageddon.
He still had that messy dirty blonde hair but his brown eyes looked at her with sadness.

“Abraxas….Hastur told me that this place is called Gehenna Coliseum….but where exactly is Gehenna Coliseum at? Where are we at?”

Abraxas bit his lip and replied, “Your in the Ninth Circle of Hell. The Ring of Treachery.”

Eden gaped at Abraxas blankly. “If this is Hell then what’s with the snow and ice?”

“Have you ever heard of Dante’s Inferno?” Eden nodded. 

“Well, that actually happened. Dante is one of the very few people who escaped from Hell and lived to tell the tale.”

Eden felt sick to her stomach. “So it wasn’t just a story.”

“Dante exaggerated a few details here and there but some parts are true.” Abraxas replied.

Eden thought for a moment then said, “So I guess this means that I’m….we’re…in the Ninth Circle of Hell? The Ring of Treachery?”

Abraxas nodded sadly, “Dante was right about this Ring being a frozen Hellhole.” He winced. “Poor choice of words.”

“Oh really Abraxas you were supposed to cheer her up!” A voice scoffed exasperated. “Not make her more upset!” Another figure slid into the cell, his once white suit now smeared in filth. “Here love, I brought you some blankets and a few things to clean you up. Judging by his attire , he was an Angel and he passed his armful of blankets to Abraxas only to quickly step back out to retrieve a bowl of steaming warm water with some stained cloth. 

“I apologize for the filthy rags.” He said as he returned. “I assure you that they’re clean, I just can’t get the stains out.”

 Eden glanced down at her arms. The stranger was right. She was filthy. But at least her engagement ring was unscathed. "How does my bow look?" Eden touched there tartan bow barrette on the right side of her head. Despite all odds it was still there.

"It's covered in snow but we'll sort that out, first let's get this blood off of you…"

As the stranger wiped away the dried blood away Eden asked, "What's your name?"

"Raguel." He replied. "And I'm going to do everything I can to help you my dear."

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