Chapter 76

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"Edie….hold on….please….hold on!" Gabriel begged as Eden cried out again. It was taking everything the trio had to hang on to Eden. Hastur was stronger than the Archangel realized. 

Suddenly, Eden went slack and rasped. "It let go…." 

"Quickly, we need to get her out!" Aziraphale exclaimed.  Crowley and Gabriel slid their arms underneath Eden's armpits and hoisted her out of the water and onto the ice….or tried to. A sudden pain made Eden cry out, causing Gabriel and Crowley to nearly drop her. 

"Eden!" Gabriel gasped as he and Crowley set her down on the ice. Gabriel cradled her in his arms,  flinching at how cold she was.

Aziraphale placed a hand on Eden's ravaged leg and began to cast a healing ward. "Her shoulder was dislocated while we were holding on to her." Aziraphale winced as a pain shot through his shoulder.

Gabriel and Crowley both grimaced as Aziraphale finished the healing. "We need to get her home right now." They couldn't afford to linger in the cold any longer......

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now