Chapter 25

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"Mmnnh." Eden slowly opened her eyes and realized that she was lying on something soft and….warm? It was a bed. An actual bed and she was covered in actual blankets that weren't weighed down with snow.

"How are you feeling Eden?" A gentle voice asked. Eden turned and met the concerned blue gaze of Raguel.

"Raguel…" Eden rasped as she struggled to sit up. "Slowly…" Raguel said gently as he propped her up with extra pillows. "You might be fully healed but your body needs time to rest after what it just endured."

Once Eden was sitting up as comfortably as possible Raguel grabbed a cup from a nearby table. "Drink this. You need fluids."

Eden took the cup and drank gratefully. 

"I'm sorry it's wine again….it's all we have." 

"It's fine." Eden replied. "It's better than nothing."  Eden suddenly realized that there was tightness around her right wrist. She was chained to the stone wall again. 

"I'm sorry." Raguel said. "Cassius followed us and put it on you while I was healing you. Abraxas tried to prevent him from doing it-"

"It's fine." Eden murmured. "It's just how things have to be now…" Eden glanced at her engagement ring, feeling tears stinging her eyes.

"Oh my dear don't-" 

The wooden infirmary door swung open and in stepped Hastur, looking furious.

"What the bloody hell did you do?"

"I didn't do anything." Eden replied stunned. She flinched away as Hastur came towards her in a rage but Raguel blocked him.

"Miss Eden needs rest Master Hastur." Raguel stated coldly.

"Why isn't she in her cell?" Hastur spat.

"I will not have my patient resting in such pitiful conditions. She needs a proper place to sleep where I can care for her until her next fight."

"Fine." Hastur snapped. "Brutus!" 

Hastur stuck his head through the doorway and spat, "Brutus, guard the infirmary tonight. No one comes in or out.” Brutus nodded as Hastur shoved the red scaled demon out of his way as he left.

To both Eden and Raguel’s surprise, Brutus entered the infirmary and spoke. "You okay?"

Eden nodded. "Yeah…just need some rest."

Brutus nodded and returned to his post outside the infirmary as Abraxas darted in. "Oh thank goodness…I was really worried…here Raguel, I managed to get some food from the Lust Ring." 

Abraxas was holding a bundle of what looked like a burlap sack. "Excellent dear, thank you."

Eden watched as Raguel began to unpack the food she salivated at the sight and smell of freshly baked bread. 

"Oh this is perfect!" Raguel gushed. "Fresh bread,  roast chicken, a block of cheese and grapes…? How did you manage to get this?"

Abraxas shrugged, his cheeks red, "I called in a few favors." His cheeks turned even redder when Raguel pecked him on the cheek. "I even got some plates and silverware…"

"Thank you my dear, now let's prepare a meal for our guest." 

Eden had never been so hungry in her life that she ate….honestly she didn't know how many plates she ate, she was just relieved that she finally had a good meal and was among friends. 

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