Chapter 72

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Eden awoke to the smell of something delicious. She blinked her eyes open and smiled up at the purple, blue and amber orange gazes staring down at her. 

"Slowly." Crowley rasped as he and Aziraphale helped her to sit up. "How are you feeling, Little One?"

"I'm okay, what about you Papa?" The last thing she remembered before she blacked out was seeing her Papa hurt and bleeding.

"I'm alright now my darling." Aziraphale smiled reassuringly as he fussed over Eden's hair, straightening the tartan bow barrette. "It wasn't as bad as it looked. " Crowley flinched at Aziraphale's little white lie.

"I made you both some soup." Gabriel offered Eden and Aziraphale two steaming coffee mugs. "It's chicken and noodles." 

Gabriel and Crowley sighed with relief as Aziraphale and Eden enjoyed their meal.

"Are we home yet?" Eden asked. 

"Not yet." Crowley answered. "We wanted to wait until you woke up before-"

"You mean we're still here in Hell?" Eden gasped. "Why?" 

Gabriel placed a hand on her shoulder. "It's fine Eden. We just wanted to let you rest-"

"I can rest later! We need to leave right now! Hastur could be right outside the TARDIS…" Eden glanced at the TARDIS doors warily. 

 "Don't worry sweetheart." Aziraphale said softly, "Hastur isn't here."

"Did you even check? Is anyone keeping watch outside?" Eden rose to her feet despite her parents' protests. Eden had seen Abraxas, Raguel, Hellraiser and Brutus inside the TARDIS with them which confirmed her fears.

"Someone needs to be on watch….." Eden pushed one of the twin doors open and peeked outside. The cold stung her face instantly, making her blink her eyes shut. When she opened them, a pair of yellow eyes stared back at her.  It was Cassius.

Eden screamed when his clawed hand grabbed her by her shirt collar, yanking her out of the TARDIS and into the freezing air.

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now