Chapter 45

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“Aziraphale, can you feel anything?” Crowley asked softly. Aziraphale didn't seem to be in any pain after Eden’s last fight…but that wasn't much to go on. The last time they had seen her, she had been clawed to bits and there was so much blood…..

"I-I…haven't felt anything since the last broadcast." Aziraphale murmured. "You don't think that she's….?" Aziraphale broke off into a sob. "She was so badly hurt Crowley…." The pain had been so intense that he had nearly passed out. 

"No." Crowley rasped tightly. "She's not….she can't be." His forehead touched Aziraphale's. "We're going to find a way out of here angel and get her back." After a moment of silence Crowley continued. "And once we get home we're going to make sure she has the best wedding in the world. We'll both give her away and have that father daughter dance with her."

A little while later Aziraphale had fallen asleep. Crowley was leaning against the metal door and  called out to Gabriel, "Any ideas Archangel?"

"Doing my best to think of one." Gabriel replied. 

They both flinched at the sound of Sandalphon's voice drawling through the intercom speakers. "You have a visitor today, Dungeon Master Hastur."

Crowley snarled and shot to his feet and his amber orange gaze met the black eyes of Hastur. 

"Hastur." Crowley spat.

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