Chapter 3

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The cold woke Eden up. It was freezing. Why was it so cold? 

Eden sat up with a jolt when the memories came flooding back. Aamon attacking her,  her family running to the TARDIS….the TARDIS falling and everything going black…

"Gabe?" Eden called out as she took in her surroundings. "Papa?" She was lying on a stone floor. The room was empty except for a heavy metal door and a single window with bars.

"Daddy?" Eden got to her feet and peered out the window. The world outside was a sickly grayish white. Ice and snow covered the land. Eden could make out what looked like a city in the distance but even farther away across a frozen lake was a miserable looking fortress that reminded her too much of St Beryl Abbey.

Eden glanced down at her clothes. Her Doctor Who shirt was covered in dried blood and the right sleeve was ripped to shreds thanks to Aamon. Her right arm was covered in dried blood too…

Eden was brought out of her thoughts by a familiar voice. "I've waited a long time for this….Abomination." 

Eden met the black gaze of the demon. "Are you Hastur? The Duke of Hell?" 

The demon snarled, "Former Duke of Hell thanks to you." Eden flinched as Hastur continued, "I was demoted to Gehenna's Dungeon Master after I failed to kill you one too many times."

"I-I think I remember you…" Eden murmured as she shivered from the cold.  "I was just a little kid… I wanted to meet others like me…" and she had dim memories of him being there on the day she died….

"You are nothing like us!" Hastur spat. Eden cowered in fear. "You are an insult to demon kind and you and your parents are going to pay dearly for breaking our most sacred law. As well as your other crimes…"

Hastur was tempted to break the metal bars of the door's opening and shoot the Abomination with hellfire….but that would ruin his plans. 

"Can…" Eden's voice cracked with fear, "Can you at least tell me where I am?"

Hastur grinned wickedly. "Gehenna Coliseum, your new home my dear. Now do get some rest, you're going to need it."

As Hastur slunk away, Eden curled up into a ball on the stone cold floor, sobbing as an ice cold wind blew snow through the window. 

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