Chapter 81

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Gabriel's eyes fluttered open, meeting the concerned gazes of Aziraphale and Crowley.

"How are you feeling Gabriel?" Aziraphale asked as the Archangel sat up, a little too quickly, to Aziraphale's dismay.

"Fine. Eden? How is Eden?" Gabriel glanced at the limp figure at his side.

"She's fine, she just needs to rest and needs time to recover." Aziraphale said as Crowley handed the Archangel a steaming coffee mug. "Drink this."

Gabriel drank his cocoa obediently then rasped, "There. I'm done." Gabriel lay back down at Eden's side.

"Gabriel, you need more than that..." Crowley said but Aziraphale stopped his husband from pressing the Archangel further. "Let's just leave him be Crowley."

Crowley nodded with understanding as he helped Aziraphale to the couch so Gabriel could have some space with Eden.

Gabriel pulled Eden closer to him and held her close, his face buried in her dark red curls.

Crowley fetched Raguel. The sight of the former Archangel made Gabriel tense. "Why is he here?"

"According to Mr. Fell, Eden has a dislocated shoulder. He was only able to cast a ward to numb the pain due to his strength being sapped by the cold. I'm here to rectify the problem, since Aziraphale needs more rest in order to regain his strength." Raguel got on his knees and examined Eden's right arm.

"Will it hurt her?" Gabriel rasped.

Raguel nodded. "It most certainly will, which is why it's up to you to hold her still while I put her shoulder back in its proper place."

Gabriel gave a determined nod as Raguel took hold of Eden's right arm. "Just keep holding on to her, I'm going to do this as quickly as possible...."

Raguel pulled Eden's arm. Eden's pained cries almost made Gabriel swat him away but as suddenly as he began, a soft pop was heard and the screaming stopped.

Eden sagged in Gabriel's arms. "What did you do to her?" The Archangel demanded, ready to spring at Raguel.

"I put her shoulder back in its socket, nothing to worry about. She'll be fine. She just needs to rest her arm for a while."

Gabriel warily watched Raguel as he left the family room with Eden's parents thanking him profusely.

Once he made sure that Raguel was gone, Gabriel snuggled against Eden; hoping fervently that she would be okay now.

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