Chapter 18

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"How long have we been here?" Aziraphale rasped. He had finally woken up, finding himself snuggled against Crowley. 

"It's hard to say." Crowley replied. "Like in Heaven, there's no night or day and time works differently here." 

Aziraphale went silent again. Crowley searched his thoughts for something, anything that might give his angel hope, but he was interrupted by a voice coming through a speaker outside on the hallway ceiling. 

"If you three would be so kind as to turn to your television screen and enjoy today's broadcast."

"Sandalphon." Aziraphale said, his voice tight. 

Their TV screen flickered on and it was a birds eye view of Gehenna Coliseum. The outdoor arena was covered in several layers of snow and standing in the open, shivering, was Eden. 

"N-No!" Gabriel gasped from his cell.

"Oh yes." Sandalphon replied over the intercom. "Today the Abomination will be fighting Hellraiser, Hell's prized Hellhound….oh this is exciting! He's going to rip that creature to shreds!"

This time Crowley flung himself at the door and pounded it with his fists. "Bastards! Fucking bastards! Open this door and you'll see who gets ripped to shreds!"

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