Chapter 86

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Gabriel grasped Eden's hand as they sat side by side at the dining table… the Ritz. Crowley had surprised the couple by revealing that he rented out the entire dining area for the combined bachelor/bachelorette party. The demon wanted his daughter to have a proper party and celebration, so Eden agreed to a bridal shower of sorts but she insisted on calling it a "Couples Shower" to celebrate her and Gabriel. Their wedding was their special day. And Crowley was more than happy to fulfill his daughter's request. 

Everyone had made it.  Captain Gad, The Them, The Youngs, The Pulsifers, with Terry Neil, Shadwell and Tracy, even Warlock Dowling, who had always been close with the Fells and, like Adam and the Them, was like an older sibling to Eden.

Gabriel couldn't help but be starstruck by Eden as she talked to one of her bridesmaids. Those serpentine blue eyes sparkled. Eden's childhood friends from her daycare days were there too, much to Eden’s delight. Gabriel had grown quite fond of Nina, Peggy, Soairse and of course Bella Young, for all she did to help her friend Eden. Although the Archangel couldn't help but blush as all five ladies glanced at him, giggling, which meant that they were talking about him… 

But he put his self consciousness aside and admired his bride to be in her newest dress. It was black with red and pink roses and it made Eden look stunning. 

"Gabriel, your food will get cold." Eden said. The Archangel had been so enraptured by Eden's smile and laughter that he was completely unaware of the first course being served. 

"Oh uh….right…looks scrummy…." Gabriel's face turned a shade darker as everyone laughed. 

"Hope you don't get tongue tied when you say your vows, Archangel!" Crowley grinned as he clapped Gabriel on the back. 

"He won't Daddy." Eden reassured as she squeezed Gabriel's hand. "You should have heard his proposal. He didn't even stutter once! It was a different story when we first met of course…." 

"In my defense,  you took me by surprise Edie!" 

"In that case, you'll get quite a shock when you see me in my wedding dress!" Eden grinned. 

Gabriel smiled back. He really couldn't wait. 

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