Chapter 21

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Hastur tensed and snarled at Judas, “Get down there and rile him up.” The hellhound had been staring down at Eden for a while and the audience was getting restless.

“Wow…you're just like how my Dad described hellhounds in stories….” Eden said, her gaze never wavered from the hellhounds. 

Eden flinched when the hellhound suddenly howled in pain as its giant paw slammed onto Eden’s midsection. 

“Agh!” Something cracked. “Please stop!”

The hellhound bellowed in pain again when a ball of flame hit its  flank.

“Give us a fight!” It was Judas, he was shooting balls of hellfire at the hellhound. 

“Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!” The audience jeered.

Since the hellhound was distracted, Eden slid out from underneath the hounds paw and crawled away. 

Eden staggered to her feet and ran to the gate where she had been shoved out. 

“Please…help me…” the gate was shut and locked. “Please…it hurts….”
A furry paw wrapped itself around her ankle and yanked her backwards. “Ack!”

The hellhound was glaring down at her, it’s teeth bared in a horrible snarl.

“Please…you don't have to listen to them….especially since all they do is hurt you to get what they want…" Eden and the hounds' gazes were locked. Eden could see the fear in misery in their blue depths. 

Eden gasped as the paw was suddenly off of her midsection. The hound backed up and suddenly shoved its muzzle under her arm and gently eased her to her feet. 

"T-Thanks." Eden croaked as she clutched her aching ribs. "What's your name? I'm Eden…"

Eden admired the hound.  It looked like a Great Dane except it looked much more terrifying thanks to those razor sharp fangs, but as Eden continued to admire the hounds' eerie beauty, the fangs shrank and the hound looked more like a normal Great Dane. 

The hound licked her hand in apology. "Heh, it's okay, Hellraiser. You've been hurting for so long…cool name by the way…." 

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now