Chapter 35

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Abraxas was pacing up and down the hallway, anxiously awaiting news from Raguel. Raguel had asked that he be left alone with his patient.

Brutus had left to help Judas and Cassius retrieve Baal from the arena. Abraxas didn't know if Baal would be called to treat Baal or if his fellow demons would heal him themselves.

The infirmary door finally creaked open and Raguel peered out. "How is she?" 

"She's all right now. But she nearly died this time…can you come in and help me clean up the blood? The poor girl is covered in it."

"Fucking horse feathers…." Eden moaned when she finally regained consciousness. 

"Good morning Eden." A soft voice greeted her warmly. "Raguel…." Eden grunted as she struggled to lift her head.

"Hey now, no moving about young lady!" Raguel scolded as Eden's head collapsed back onto the pillow. 

"You'd fidget too if you had to lay on a stiff mattress, a flat pillow and rough blankets.." Eden murmured as Raguel eased her head back up with a gentle hand. Eden's lips were greeted by a glass of wine.

"I know you don't like the wine." Raguel murmured apologetically. "I asked Abraxas if he could scrounge up some actual water for you while he's in Treachery City." 

"Water sounds nice." Eden rasped. The wine here could only be described as what her Daddy would consider cheap wine. Plus, she was getting sick of it. She missed the sweetness of lemonade and the warmth of her Papa's cocoa…..

Right when Eden suddenly realized that she wasn't wearing any shackles, the infirmary door swung open and in stepped Hastur followed by a demon she had never seen before,  pushing a trolley filled to the brim with food and drink. Eden's nostrils were greeted by the aroma of the enticing food….

Raguel stood in front of Eden's bed protectively. "What is the meaning of this Hastur?" 

"It's a little treat for my pet Abomination." Hastur replied. "Today's battle was a success and the paperwork to get myself reinstated is already in progress." Hastur dismissed the demon who brought the trolley and then continued. 

"So many more demons have signed up for a chance to rip the Abomination to shreds that it will need all its strength and plenty of rest." 

Eden cringed as Hastur burst into maniacal laughter as he left the cell. 

"Rest up Champion." Hastur crowed mockingly. "Your next fight is in three days with Asmodeus! Oh he can't wait to get his claws on you my dear!"

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