Chapter 90

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After Gabriel and Eden opened their gifts, which was an assortment of household essentials due to Gabriel not having much since he spent most of his time with the Fells, tables and chairs were moved in order to form a dance floor.

Crowley had pulled some strings and had gotten one of Eden's favorite music groups, Imagine Dragons, to perform live music while everyone danced. And fortunately they were more than willing to sing a few covers of some classic songs….

"And I would walk five hundred miles…" Imagine Dragons sang as everyone danced long into the night…..

"How are we going to get all these gifts to the Falls?" Gabriel asked as he and Eden gaped at the pile of gifts before them on the table they had dined on while everyone else pitched in on cleaning up the wrapping paper. 

"I believe that's where our gift comes in." Aziraphale said with a warm smile as he took Gabriel and Eden by the hand. "Follow me you two." 

Aziraphale led the couple outside of the Ritz where Crowley was leaning against a silver car. 

"What's this?" Gabriel asked,  surprised by the sight.  It was a very nice looking car. "It's your very own car Archangel. But not just any car, it's a GLA Mercedes-Benz SUV. A nice silver one I might add." Crowley tossed Gabriel a set of keys. "But I don't know how to drive…." 

"We'll work on that after the wedding Archangel, but for now, let's load your gifts in the back and I'll give you your first lesson as we drive home."

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