Chapter 36

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"Slowly dear…slowly…." Raguel said as he helped Eden sit up. Her clothes were completely shredded and bloodstained. He hoped that Abraxas would be back soon.

Once Eden was sitting up as comfortably as possible, Raguel pushed the trolley closer so she could feed herself. Raguel draped a blanket around her shoulders to keep her warm as she ate.

As Eden ate ravenously, a soft knock was heard. "It's me."

"Come in Abraxas."

Abraxas slipped in with a clay jug in one hand and a parcel in the other. 

"He brought her food?" Abraxas asked as he handed the jug and parcel to Raguel.

"Yes I'll explain later." Raguel uncorked the clay jug and sighed with relief. "Thank God you found water. Hastur only left her tea."

Abraxas shrugged. "No big deal." As Raguel poured Eden a glass of fresh water,  an item that was hard to come by here in Hell, Abraxas pulled up a stool and sat across from Eden. 

 "How are you feeling Eden?" The poor girl was tearing into the roasted meats, cheeses and breads on the trolley like she….well she kinda was half starved. She hadn't had a bite ever since the basket of food he brought ran out. 

"Like I've been hit by a truck." Eden murmured as Raguel stepped forward with the unwrapped parcel. "Abraxas was able to get you some fish to eat, dear."

"Oh wow!" Eden smiled as Raguel placed the crispy fish on the plate. "How?" 

"Black market." 


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