Chapter 30

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“My parents and I are a family of wolfkind,” Eden said as she finally got done explaining the foundation as well as the concept of Dungeons and Dragons and how the game or “campaign” was played. "Well, sorta. Papa is a wolf kind paladin wizard and Daddy is a yuan ti ranger and I'm their adopted daughter, who is dragonfolk/dragonborn hybrid, Kava Strikefang."

“My parents are Zira Fall, that’s my Papa, and Crawley Strikefang, that’s my Daddy, who in this world is playing my mummy…” Eden snickered, “Anyway, we’ve been on all sorts of quests and adventures, we’ve even saved the world a few times; not to brag!”

“I helped Gabriel…my fiancé create his character, Kitty Dickenson, a tabaxi and it’s been so much fun..….” Eden paused.

“We stopped the campaign temporarily so we could plan our wedding….” An overwhelming pang of homesickness struck her. She missed her parents and Gabriel so much now that the tears flowed freely now.

Brutus felt a pang of sympathy for the poor girl. 

“What was your quest?”

Eden hesitated for a moment before finally answering. “We just got back from a treasure hunting expedition….and our home in Wolfbane Forest was invaded by a horde of zombies and we're under siege.” Eden paused for a moment. “That’s where we paused things…I don’t think we’ll ever get to finish that campaign…”

Eden and Brutus turned to the infirmary door as it creaked open and in stepped Raguel and Abraxas. 

“Is Hellraiser all right?” Eden asked. 

Raguel smiled. “He’s perfectly fine.”

Eden sighed in relief. “What will they do to him now?”

“Hastur is under orders to keep him in solitary until further notice. He’s completely docile now. Won’t even snarl at Cassius, just ignores everyone except Raguel until he mentioned you by name.”

“At least he’s okay.” Eden murmured. 

“I just wish I knew if my family was….”

Raguel glanced at Abraxas, “That sort of information is classified. Abraxas, has Hastur by any chance told you? You are his assistant…”

Abraxas shook his head. “I’m like his servant who also trains his victims.” He scoffed. “No way he’d tell me something like that.”

“What do you mean classified?”
Eden felt a stone of horror form in her gut. 

Raguel and Abraxas exchanged a glance. “You mean you don’t know?”

Eden shook her head. 

“Your parents and the Archangel Gabriel were taken to an unknown location.” Abraxas replied. “I only say unknown because he didn’t tell me.”

“Alighieri Detention Asylum.” A deep voice rumbled. It was Brutus. 

“What?” Eden rasped. 

“Alighieri Detention Asylum.” Brutus repeated. “I was there with Hastur when you were brought here in the strange blue box. Cassius and Judas were under Angel Sandalphon’s orders to take them there.”

Eden shuddered at the name of the angel that frightened her for so long.

“So they’re here in this terrible place….because of me…” 

“No.” Abraxas said firmly. “I’ve overheard Hastur rambling about getting revenge against your father Crowley a few times. It’s not you.”

“But it is.” Eden rasped. “I shouldn’t be here. If I had never been born my parents would have been able to live secretly and happily on Earth for the rest of eternity. Papa never wouldn’t have nearly been killed when he was expecting me….And Gabriel....” Eden’s voice cracked, “He wouldn’t have had to go through so much heartache on my account….”

“Eden-“ Abraxas began, trying to think of something that might give her comfort and reassurance but Raguel stopped him as Eden flopped on the bed and turned onto her side, facing the stone wall. 

“Abraxas, Brutus, I think my patient needs some time to herself.”

“What about you?” Abraxas whispered as Brutus left the infirmary. 

“I’ll stay with her.” Raguel replied, “She needs a guardian angel more than anything right now.”

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