Chapter 87

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When everyone finished their meal Crowley stood up. "Before we give the happy couple their gifts, I wanted to announce that I've also decided to make this "Couples Shower" a fusion with an engagement party since we didn't get a chance to throw these two an actual engagement party due to an…interruption." After a brief moment of silence Crowley continued. "So that means that you're going to dance with my daughter, Archangel! Consider it practice for the big day! And as we enjoy our desert, we will be sharing stories about the bride to be and the groom."

"Dad no!" Eden begged, she already knew where this would be going….

"Too late Queenie, your Papa and I have picked some good ones. And everyone else here has too!" 

"Oh Someone give me strength." Eden hid her face in her hands as Aziraphale stood up and began the first story….

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