Chapter 42

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"Is this all you could find?" Abraxas stared at the pitiful pile of weapons on the floor. Brutus had returned with a rusty sword and its scabbard, a dagger, a battle ax with a chipped blade and a spear with a wooden shaft.

"I grabbed the weapons that weren't made from hellfire metal." Brutus replied. "So Eden wouldn't risk hurting herself." Raguel glanced at Eden's bruised and burnt wrists. It would take a few more healing sessions to get rid of those. 

"They'll have to do." Raguel said, "We better get going." 
 Abraxas handed the dagger to Raguel while he took the spear for himself. Brutus hefted the battle ax with ease. 

"Dibs on the sword!" Eden smiled as she grabbed the sword by the hilt and held it up to a torch, admiring the blade. Though rusty, it still had a striking beauty. She recognized it as the sword she used when she fought Baal. 

"Eden-" Raguel started to say but he stopped when Abraxas placed a hand on his shoulder.

"She needs to be able to defend herself." 

Raguel sighed. "You're right." 

"I also snatched this from Hastur's office." said Abraxas as he pulled a piece of tattered parchment from his pants pocket. 

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