Chapter 60

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Sandalphon ran to his office. He slammed the door shut, quickly cast a ward and ducked behind his desk.

Sandalphon shivered as he heard the door suddenly swing open.

"Sandalphon." A familiar voice said, "We must have a discussion with you." It was Aziraphale. His voice had a strange note to it.

Someone snapped their fingers and Sandalphon's desk disappeared, leaving him exposed and at the mercy of the group that had assembled in his office.

"Where's my TARDIS?" The Abomination had stepped forward. Gabriel instinctively tried to pull her back but Eden shrugged him off.

Sandalphon couldn't help but grin. The Abomination looked as white as the snow. "Do you really think that your "daughter" would intimidate me?" Sandalphon scoffed. "Look at her, she can barely stand-!"

Sandalphon was suddenly lifted off the floor and flung against the wall. To Sandalphon's surprise, it was Aziraphale who had flung him across the room.

"No thanks to you." Aziraphale snarled. "Now answer my daughter's question before I do something that I might regret."

"What exactly is a TARDIS?" Sandalphon whimpered under Aziraphale's unbreakable blue stare.

"It's a dark blue box. It's the vessel you abducted us in, or did you destroy that too?"

"No, we left it where it landed. It landed on the frozen lake....when it was still frozen." Beezlebub would have executed him and Hastur on the spot if the "TARDIS" landed in a populated area.

Eden flinched. She remembered seeing large chunks of ice bobbing in the water from inside the train.

Eden turned and left the room. "Eden." Gabriel followed after her.

"We can't leave him here." Abraxas said. "He could warn Hastur."

"Oh I have the perfect solution for this problem." Crowley grinned wickedly.

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