Chapter 14

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"Thrust. Parry. Parry…." Abraxas instructed, that is until it became rather clear that Eden was tiring and she had limited mobility thanks to being chained to the wall. 

"Okay. Take it easy. Rest for a moment."  Eden nearly dropped the wooden sword. She was weak from the cold, thirst and hunger, not to mention the encroaching feeling of despair that was encasing her heart.

"Are you okay?"

"Does she look okay to you?" Archangel Raguel had entered the chamber. "She's half starved and dehydrated. She hasn't gone this long without food and drink." Raguel continued as he helped Eden to her feet. "Why is she even training in this condition? She can barely stand!"

"Hastur is making her fight tomorrow." Abraxas replied. 

Raguel gasped in horror. "He can't…she won't even last five minutes!"

"I know." Abraxas agreed sadly. "But there's nothing we can do. You know as well as I that he's doing this on purpose."

"How long have I actually been here?" Eden rasped as Abraxas and Raguel escorted her back to her cell. 

"You were unconscious for two days." Abraxas replied. "We kept you in the training cavern so you wouldn't freeze to death."

The trio arrived at the cell. Raguel snapped his fingers and a layer of ice appeared over the window. "That should keep out the cold." 

"Thank you." Eden rasped as Raguel helped her to lie down onto the cold snow covered floor. "I have to use my miracles sparingly." Raguel said apologetically. 

"Try to rest and save your energy Eden."

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