Chapter 51

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Eden, with the option of sleep now completely gone,  hopped out of bed, "Then we better get going." Eden tucked her tartan bow barrette in her curls and slipped her cloak on. As she, Hellraiser and Raguel followed Abraxas out of the inn. 

"Here, at least eat something." Raguel handed her the canteen and a piece of chicken. "You need your strength."

Eden tore into the chicken hungrily, savoring every bite as the group emerged from the hotel. 

They were greeted by the sight of a creaky worn wooden carriage. Brutus had just finished tacking up two striking beautiful horses. One was white with gray legs and red eyes. The other was a light brown.

"Ooh, horses!" Eden exclaimed as she darted to the horses. 

"Demonic horses." Brutus replied. "They will take us to our destination." 

"For a price." Abraxas added. "But we'll discuss that with them later." 

Eden giggled as the white horse ruffled her hair with her snout and the other sniffed her with his fuzzy nostrils. 

"It's nice to meet you too. I hope I'm not too much trouble…" the two horses whinnied in reply. 
"Moreau and Juliet….awesome names."

"We'll all be in trouble if we don't get going!" Abraxas said anxiously.

Eden peeked her head out the carriage window, admiring the horses as they ran through the snow covered streets with ease. She then glanced at Brutus and Hellraiser as they ran at the carriage's side, there wasn't enough room for them unfortunately. 

Her gaze then traveled to the distant figure that was Gehenna. 

"Eden, get back in here before you catch your death!" Raguel called. 

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