Chapter 27

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The sound of a mournful howl echoed throughout the stone hallways of Gehenna.

“Is that Hellraiser?” Eden wondered out loud. “Do you think he’s okay?”

“Good question.” Raguel replied. “I saw that he had a few nasty burns on his flanks…”

“Can you please go see him?” Eden asked, her voice sharp with concern. “I can’t stand the thought of him being hurt…”

“Of course I will Eden.” As Raguel got up to leave, Abraxas followed, “I’ll go with you in case Cassius or Judas give you trouble.”

“Thank you.” Eden said. “I’ll stay here with Brutus.” Eden turned to the chain that bound her to the wall then glanced down at her wrist now bruised…

“We won’t be gone long.” Abraxas replied as he and Raguel left the infirmary. 

To Eden’s surprise Brutus entered the infirmary and sat on the floor across from her bed. 

“Hi Brutus.” Eden tried to wave but her aching wrist stopped her. 

“Ugh why is this damn thing so tight and hurting so much?” Eden grimaced at the sight of her bruised skin forming around the shackle. “ It’s just like the ones I wore nearly two years ago…”

“They’re hellfire chains.” Brutus answered. “ the metal is forged in hellfire so they can cause  pain.”

“I figured.” Eden muttered as she rubbed her aching wrist. 

“Since you are half demon, the metal’s damage isn’t as severe as it normally should be…”

“Feels pretty severe to me.” Eden griped but decided to change the subject. “So what kind of demon are you?” 

“I’ve never heard of any type of demon like you…my Daddy only told me so much about this place…”

“That means he’s a good father.” Brutus rumbled. “He wanted to protect you from Hell’s true horrors.”

“Yeah.” Eden wiped her eyes. She really missed him. 

“I’m a Glabrezu. A demon of treachery. We are given this form if we’ve committed a particularly cruel act of treachery.”

"What kind of treachery?"

"Treachery against a friend."

“So you were once human?”

Brutus nodded. “Ages ago.”

“Glabrezu? Like in Dungeons and Dragons?” Eden suddenly perked up. “You look almost exactly like them in the D&D lore books, minus the crab claws of course.”

Brutus stared at her blankly. “Dungeons and….Dragons?”

“Oh right….how long have you been down here?”

Brutus shrugged. “I truly don’t know. It seems like only yesterday when I….betrayed my dearest friend but a part of me knows that it’s been thousands of years….”

“Don’t worry then, I’ll catch you up!” Eden scooted to the edge of the bed and let her legs dangle over the side so she could see Brutus at eye level.

“Dungeons and Dragons, or D&D for short is a game where you can be anyone or anything!” Eden began enthusiastically.

As Eden began to explain the basics of Dungeons and Dragons, Brutus placed her tartan bow barrette on the old wooden bedside table. He had been keeping it safe for her and now that she was in the infirmary, she could use something to lift her spirits. 

Bad Omens Book 5: Ineffable Part 2Where stories live. Discover now