Chapter 58

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Eden pointed the sonic screwdriver at the door's giant lock and after a moment of bright blue light, the sound of the lock coming undone was heard. Eden pulled the heavy door open……and was nearly knocked over by her parents as they embraced her.

"Eden…thank God." Crowley said tightly. "You're alive!" His blasted hands were shaking but he didn't care this time. 

"My baby…my baby….you're safe…." Aziraphale rasped as tears fell from his eyes. "I thought I lost you again…"

Eden smiled. "I missed you too. Are you guys okay?" Aziraphale and Crowley nodded. "We're both fine, but sweetness, you look awfully pale." 

Eden shrugged her parents off. "I'm fine." Eden pointed her sonic at the next cell. After a moment the door was pushed open and out stepped Archangel Gabriel. 

"Edie…" Gabriel's voice cracked as he and Eden embraced. 

"I…I thought…." Gabriel couldn't finish his sentence.

"But I didn't." Eden murmured. "Everything is okay now." She felt her Archangel trembling. She rubbed his back comfortingly.

They pulled back to lock gazes.  "You're bleeding!" Eden gasped at the sight of the dried blood on the side of Gabriel's head. "It's fine. Aziraphale healed me." Gabriel reassured.  "It's just dried  blood." 

"Then who's blood is that?" Eden caught a glimpse of Crowley going back into the cell to retrieve Aziraphale's coat. It was stained with blood.
"It's yours." Crowley answered tightly.  "From that night…"

Eden shuddered at the memory when someone cleared their throat from down the hall. 

"Oh right, Papa, Daddy, Gabriel,  I want you to meet my friends."

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