Chapter 4

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Crowley sat up with a groan. "Fuckin' hell that smarts." His whole body ached but he wasn't injured, at least he didn't think so.

Crowley suddenly realized his surroundings were completely different from the inside of Eden's TARDIS. 

The room had blank gray stone walls and a single bed….a flat screen television on the left wall. 

Crowley glanced down when he realized that Aziraphale was next to him, the angel was still unconscious. "Shit! Aziraphale, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Aziraphale moaned as Crowley gently shook him awake. "Crowley…" 

"There we go, let's get you off the floor." Crowley helped Aziraphale to his feet and guided him to the bed. 

 "Where's Eden and Gabriel?" Aziraphale rasped once Crowley got him to sit on the bed. 

Crowley glanced at the window too his right and saw the Archangel grasping the bars on his doors window. 

"He's in the room next to us." Crowley answered.

"Where's Eden?" Aziraphale asked again. The angel glanced at his bloodstained coat which was still lying on the floor.

"Oh, well she's at Gehenna Coliseum Aziraphale!" an overly enthusiastic voice crowed. Aziraphale and Crowley glanced at their door's barred window and met the smug grin of Sandalphon. 

"N-No…" Crowley rasped as Aziraphale threw a hand over his mouth. They unfortunately knew about that terrible place…

"Oh yes!" Sandalphon continued. "She'll be pitted against some of Hell's most formidable demons. I wonder how long she'll last….maybe I should draft a poll…" 

Before Crowley could do anything, Aziraphale lunged at the door. "If any harm comes to her, I swear to you Sandalphon….you will regret it…."

There was a flicker of fear in Sandalphon's eyes. "These cells are specifically designed to hold demonic and celestial beings. Good luck with that."

"Angel…" Crowley said as Aziraphale slumped against the metal door when Sandalphon scurried away.

Aziraphale's blue gaze was fixed on his blood stained coat. "I can't lose her again, I just can't…"

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